Week 10

Planning out my research

Sophie Lowen
2 min readNov 22, 2021


This week started with talking about research studies in class and showing how to analyze quantitative data and what type of qualitative research studies there are and what types would work well with our projects.

I left class thinking that I wanted to do interviews, diary studies and some form of observational studies. However, in class the professor mentioned that it’s important to think about what order you do the different studies in because some types of research require more trust to get good results from. After that comment I had a lot of questions about how to set up my research and what would be the best order to conduct the different types of research in.

Luckily, I had my one-on-one with Ahmed and was able to get a lot of my questions answered and with his help started to create a rough outline for my research plan. We talked about how I am really interested in understanding how practicing and playing an instrument fits into an adults life and their commitments. Also, how I want to know the threshold of being self critical on oneself from playing vs productivity of practicing and if there is a relationship there. Because of all of this we decided it would make the most sense for me to stick with self reflective and narrative methods of research like I had originally thought.

The biggest thing Ahmed helped me with was figuring out exactly how to structure the diary study. We decided that doing a diary study followed by a series of interviews ideally in the place of practice for the learner so that I could do a photo study as well would be beneficial. This is because it allows me to get a holistic picture of what is affecting their practice productivity in their environment. I want to see the place of practice, the things used to practice (like a metronome, stand etc) and general environment.

The Diary study I want to have a quick series of questions before the learner goes to practice focused on, what they are thinking, feeling and doing, and then similar quick series of questions after the learner finishes practicing. Then at the end of the day I want to have the learner take some time to reflect back on the practice session and how they are feeling in a longer diary style entry. This allows me to look at their feelings without getting in the way of the flow of their playing. Then I can ask the learner justification questions of “why did you feel a certain way” when I look back at their diary with them and interview them afterwards.

On top of the diary study and interviews I want to talk to some experts and hopefully get a touchstone tour of Lucy Moses School to see the environment and how a learning place can be tailored to adults.

I emailed Lucy Moses about the touchstone tour to try to schedule that after thanksgiving.

