Importance of Inclusive design for the web 3.0

Pavithra Lamahewa
Precious Viewpoint
Published in
4 min readMay 3, 2022
3D illustration by Duminda Hettiarachchi — Motion Experience Designer @ Precious

Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilization.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

Hey, I’m one of those dreamers that believe the internet has made the world a better place than where we were 20 years ago. I think the connected world will “soon” bring us all together and settle hundreds of years of differences, hatred, confusion, and suspicion between communities and individuals. However, I feel we still have a long way to go in terms of inclusive design, especially given that we are attempting to redefine the internet as web 3.0. I know it will not be just technical innovation; it will only be a step forward to a connected, open globe. It’s essential to understand the value of inclusive design at such a necessary time.

So, What is inclusive design?

Inclusive design is an approach to design that includes people with a wide range of abilities, disabilities, ethnicities, genders, ages, and other diversity factors. It’s about designing products and services that everyone can use, regardless of their ability or background.

Why inclusive design?

The world is becoming increasingly connected, and inclusive design is crucial to ensure that everyone can participate in this new digital world. As we move into web 3.0, it’s important to remember that the internet is for everyone — not just a privileged few.

The inclusive design also has vast potential to create social and economic value. By ensuring that as many people can use products and services as possible, we can tap into new markets and open up new opportunities for innovation.

What’s the problem?

There are still many barriers to inclusive design, and these need to be addressed if we’re going to create a genuinely inclusive web 3.0. One of the biggest challenges is that most designers still approach inclusion as an afterthought rather than integrating it into their design process from the beginning. This needs to change if we’re going to create products and services that work for everyone.

Another challenge is thelack of diversity in the design industry itself. This means that many designers don’t have the lived experience of people with different abilities or backgrounds, making it difficult to design for them. This needs to be addressed if we’re going to create inclusive products.

The case for Using Design Thinking to Increase Diversity and Inclusion in User Experience

Over the past few years, design thinking has become an increasingly popular tool for solving complex problems. And while it has been successfully applied to a wide range of issues, there is one area where it may be particularly well suited: increasing diversity and inclusion in user experience.

Design thinking is all about understanding users and their needs. It encourages designers to think outside the box and develop creative solutions that meet user needs in new and innovative ways. And when it comes to diversity and inclusion, this creative approach can be invaluable.

There are many design challenges when it comes to creating inclusive experiences. For example, how do you design a website or app accessible to users with disabilities? How do you design for users with different cultural backgrounds or levels of literacy? These are just some of the questions that design thinking can help answer,

Applying design thinking to the issue of diversity and inclusion can help us create truly inclusive user experiences. And that is something we should all be striving for.

Establishing a Culture of Inclusivity through Design Systems

Design systems are a tool for building digital products. They provide a set of design guidelines, reusable components, and supporting documentation that helps teams work together to create consistent, cohesive user experiences.

But design systems can also be a powerful tool for promoting inclusivity. By their very nature, design systems are inclusive by default. They provide a common language and set of tools that everyone on a team can use, regardless of their background or experience level.

This inclusive approach makes design systems the perfect tool for building a culture of inclusivity. When everyone on a team uses the same design system, it helps to level the playing field and ensures that everyone is working from the same starting point.

Creating inclusive experiences is about more than just meeting compliance standards. It’s about creating products and services that everyone can use, regardless of their ability or background.

Inclusive, connected future of web 3.0

Each day we will come closer together. We will lose borders. That will increase the demand for product teams to consider the full range of human diversity when crafting digital products.

Inclusive design systems will help designers, developers, and product teams by providing a framework that they can use to solve problems without worrying about excluding anyone. On the other hand, Through design thinking and using its power to radically empathize with the user before anything else, we will learn to design for a more inclusive future.

