20 Predictions For 2020

[Insert already overused “2020 vision” joke here]

Adrien Book
Published in
8 min readJan 12, 2020


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This article was originally made for The Pourquoi Pas, an online magazine providing in-depth analyses of today’s technological challenges. Join us!

Let’s first get the boring, over-used bits out of the way.

2020 will begin in early January. Natural disasters will occur: forest fires, global warming, coral reefs dying, hurricanes, flooding, and garbage islands will continue to make headlines. We will all say, “yeah we should get on that”. Then keep doing nothing. At least one cancerous trend will take the world by storm. There will be ridiculous political shenanigans which makes the world collectively even more frustrated, and it will be forgotten in six months. Few school shootings. Handful of dead celebrities, some unexpectedly. People will hope 2021 will be better. Apple will release a new iPhone, because money. Samsung will release a new Galaxy, because money. Some new kid will become the hot new thing. A movie will come out: some will call it the best in the series, others will call it the beginning of the end for a fledgling film series. A musician will start a clothing line. A celebrity out of the spotlight will be featured for saying something funny on social media. Rival nations will trade threatening quips via…



Adrien Book

Strategy Consultant | Tech writer | Somewhat French