2040 the world will collapse — This MIT computer has confirmed it

Marc Botha
3 min readFeb 11, 2019


A computer program developed at MIT predicts that we will see the end of our civilization in 2040. We must expect the first catastrophes already in 2020.

MIT researchers originally developed the “World One” program in 1973 to simulate global sustainability — instead, it predicted the end of the world. In contrast to various other theories about the end of civilizations and ultimately the world, the predictions made by the computer in the 1970s have so far proved to be true to an alarming degree of accuracy and variety.

The end of the world comes as a global collapse.

World One” had been commissioned at that time by the “Club of Rome”. The association is made up of thinkers, former heads of government, scientists and UN bureaucrats and has set itself the goal of “promoting understanding of the global challenges facing humanity and proposing solutions through scientific analysis, communication and representation of interests.”

2020 will be the first disaster milestone

The programme produced the required model, but in a form that the scientists had not expected. It predicted that population and industry expansion would lead the world to global collapse by 2040. The first…



Marc Botha

German Blogger & Author — Management Consultant in Business and IT — Founder & CEO of different Internet Businesses — Digital Lifestyle Enthusiast