The Bullish Case for Bitcoin

Bitcoin focused company made an eye-opening bull case for Bitcoin

Rabinder Kumar


The representation of bitcoin, dollar and memory card.
Image by WorldSpectrum from Pixabay

A Norwegian-based company, Aker ASA that is owned by billionaire Kjell Inge Røkke, has announced a new company called Seetee.

Settee is a company that will invest in exciting bitcoin-focused projects and companies. It will hold all the investable assets in bitcoin which is a good thing.

In a letter to shareholders, Røkke addressed 3 things.

  1. First, he quoted “we will use bitcoin as our trea­sury as­set and join the community,” and “In Bit­coin speak, we will be hodlers.
  2. Second, Seetee will set up a mining operation that will transfer electricity without stable demand on the local ground — hydropower, wind, solar — to economic assets that can be beneficial everywhere.
  3. Third, we will build and in­vest in projects and companies in Bit­coin’s ecosystem. This is where our true pas­sion is!”

Furthermore, Bit­coin is in our eyes, a load-bal­anc­ing eco­nom­ic bat­tery and bat­ter­ies are es­sen­tial to the en­er­gy tran­si­tion re­quired to reach the tar­gets of the Paris Agreement, said Røkke.

The letter says that Seetee will not only hold bitcoin as a valuable asset but also consider it as an investment in the…



Rabinder Kumar

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