Future World — Photo by Bing Image Creator

5 Predictions for 2075

Exploring Some Fascinating Future Predictions

Lakshay Dhingra
Published in
6 min readJan 3, 2024


Have you ever wondered how the world be like by the year 2075? Well, no one can really tell if we even survive till then or not, but in this article, we’ll explore five fascinating future predictions about what our future world might look like.

#1 Economy and World Order

The Era of Big 3 — India, China, and the USA

As projected by Goldman Sachs, the world economy in 2075 will predominantly revolve around three economic powerhouses: India, China, and the United States. These nations will hold a majority share of the global economy, with estimates suggesting that each country’s GDP will reach a staggering 50–60 trillion USD.

GDP Projections of World’s Major Economies — Image Source: Goldman Sachs Report for 2075

With their colossal economic prowess, the Big 3 will not only drive global trade but also heavily influence the political dynamics of the world. The world‘s shift towards war and chaos, or peace and stability depending upon how the dynamics play out between these 3 superpowers, and rest of the world.

Population Saturation and Slower Economic Growth

The same Goldman Sachs report also suggests that the world population growth rate will continue to decrease in the coming decades. And by the year 2075 the growth rate will reach almost 0%, meaning the human population will no longer expand any further. This will also lead to slowing economic growth as we approach 2075.

Global Population Projections — Image Source: Goldman Sachs Report for 2075

This also indicates that we might see the world economy shrinking during the last few decades of this century. Though breakthroughs in biology which significantly increase the life expectancy of humans, major technological advancements, or ideological changes in society may cause these predictions to fail.

#2 Energy and Sustainability

Complete Transition to Renewable Energy

In a bid to mitigate climate change and to ensure energy security, the world will have successfully transitioned to renewable sources of energy by 2075. Fossil fuels will be relegated to history, with vehicles and power generation relying solely on sustainable alternatives. Renewable sources, especially Solar and/or Nuclear energy will dominate the energy landscape, offering a clean and abundant supply at affordable prices.

Solar Power Plant — Photo by Freepik

We might harness the energy generation by nuclear fusion process back then, that will give us an access of almost unlimited energy without generating any nuclear waste. Or we might have an integerated solar power grid with a few local storage centers that will connect the entire world and provide clean energy to everyone day and night.

#3 Travel and Transportation

Intercontinental Travel: Supersonic Airlines

In 2075, supersonic commercial air travel might grace the skies, ushering us into a new era of rapid global connectivity. Advanced aerospace engineering and breakthroughs in supersonic technology will pave the way for commercial airliners capable of cruising at speeds exceeding Mach 3.

Jet Airplane — Photo by vecstock on Freepik

Passengers will experience significantly reduced travel times. To put this into perspective, let’s look at the flight distance from New York to New Delhi. While currently it takes roughly 17 hours for a non-stop flight, this time will come down to just 3.5 hours via supersonic air travel.

Long-Distance Travel: Superfast and Supersonic Trains

The future of rail travel in 2075 will be characterized by superfast and supersonic trains, making journeys faster and more convenient. Maglev trains, which utilize magnetic levitation technology to eliminate friction and achieve remarkable speeds, will connect most cities like normal passenger trains do today.

Illustration of Superfast Trains of the Future — Photo by Bing Image Creator

Additionally, the introduction of VacTrains — a network of evacuated tube systems — will enable near-supersonic travel, further shrinking distances and revolutionizing long-distance transportation. These high-speed trains will offer passengers the ability to commute rapidly and seamlessly, reducing travel times between major urban centers.

Inter and Intra City Travel: Self Driving Cars

In 2075, self-driving cars might have become the norm, revolutionizing personal transportation. Autonomous vehicles equipped with advanced AI systems will seamlessly navigate our streets, ensuring safer and more efficient travel. With the elimination of human error, road accidents will become a rarity, transforming our roads into safer spaces.

Self Driving Cars — Photo by Bing Image Creator

Furthermore, shared autonomous mobility will dominate urban areas, reducing traffic congestion, and optimizing transportation resources. As self-driving technology evolves, cars will become mobile hubs, allowing passengers to work, relax, or socialize while on the move.

#4 Space Exploration

Space Tourism

By 2075, space tourism will evolve into another adventure alternative. Technological developments and declining costs of space transportation will enable routine orbital and lunar journeys, and we might also have luxury space resorts offering serene celestial views. Traveling beyond Earth’s atmosphere will be accessible to a broad spectrum of enthusiasts, not just astronauts.

Luxury Space Resort — Photo by Bing Image Creator

Lunar Base

The human quest for exploration will extend beyond Earth’s boundaries, as advancements in space technology propel us towards interplanetary travel and colonization. By 2075, humans will have established a strong presence on celestial bodies such as Mars and the Moon, having atleast a lunar base with ambient conditions for human survival. This will mark the beginning of space colonization and an era of inter-planetary Human Civilization.

#5 Biology and Biotechnology

Enhanced Life Expectancy

With advancements in medical research and bioengineering, life expectancy will likely soar to unprecedented levels by 2075. Anti-aging therapies, regenerative medicine, and genetic enhancements will enable us to lead much longer and healthier lives. Age-related diseases will be better understood and effectively managed, enhancing the quality of life for individuals across generations.

Futuristic Medical Lab — Photo by Bing Image Creator

Artificial Organs

Artificial organs will redefine the future of healthcare, offering tailored solutions to organ failure. Advances in bioengineering, regenerative medicine, and 3D printing will lead to highly sophisticated, biocompatible replacements. Custom-made organs, designed to seamlessly integrate with the human body, may address the persistent challenge of donor shortages, revolutionizing medical treatments and saving millions of lives.


Looking ahead in 2075, these predictions offer a glimpse of major changes. A world where economic giants like India, China, and the USA take the lead, where clean energy becomes the norm, and we travel in lightning-fast trains and self-driving cars. It’s a future of space vacations and longer, healthier lives.

While we can’t predict everything, these speculations make the future seem both exciting and full of possibilities. Get ready, because the journey ahead might just be a thrilling one!

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Lakshay Dhingra
Writer for

A freelance writer with a keen interest in a diverse range of topics, primarily Economics, Geopolitics, Finance, Business, Science, AI, and Future Technology.