5 Reasons to Invest in an Explainers Video for Your Business Growth

Komal Chaturvedi
Published in
3 min readMay 17, 2023

Explainer videos are short, engaging videos that provide customers with more details on your product or service. They are an effective marketing technique that can raise conversion rates, brand exposure, and consumer loyalty.

We’ll go through five reasons why you should invest in an explainer video for your business’s growth.

1. Explainer videos attract and retain viewers’ attention.

The typical online user’s attention span is about eight seconds, which means you have a very short time to pique their interest and deliver your message.

Explainer videos can help you overcome this difficulty by capturing and maintaining attention throughout the video through graphics, animations, audio, and narration. Studies

2. Explainer videos simplify complex ideas and processes

Sometimes, your product or service may be too complex or technical to explain in words.

Explainer videos can help you break down complicated concepts and processes into simple and easy-to-understand steps.

By using metaphors, analogies, examples, and stories, you can make your audience understand how your product or service works and what benefits it offers.

3. Explainer videos showcase your brand’s personality and values

Explainer videos are not only about explaining your product or service but also about showing who you are as a brand.

You can use explainer videos to convey your brand personality and values, such as your mission, vision, culture, and tone of voice.

By doing so, you can create an emotional connection with your audience and build trust and credibility.

4. Explainer videos increase social media engagement and reach

Explainer videos are highly shareable on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn.

By creating explainer videos that are entertaining, informative, and relevant to your target audience, you can increase your social media engagement and reach.

You can also use explainer videos to drive traffic to your website or landing page, where you can convert your visitors into leads or customers.

5. Explainer videos boost your SEO ranking and visibility

Explainer videos can also help you improve your SEO ranking and visibility on search engines like Google.

Search engines favor websites that have video content over those that don’t because they consider video content to be more valuable and engaging for users.

By embedding explainer videos on your website or blog, you can increase the time spent on your site, reduce the bounce rate, and generate more backlinks. All these factors can boost your SEO ranking and visibility.

Final Words

Explainer videos are a worthwhile investment for any business that wants to grow its online presence and sales.

They can help you attract more customers, explain your product or service better, showcase your brand personality and values, increase your social media engagement and reach, and boost your SEO ranking and visibility.

If you want to create an effective explainer video for your business’s growth,
Connect with us today.



Komal Chaturvedi
Writer for

Co-Founder and CEO of MotionGility, (https://motiongility.com/) an Explainer Video Company.