5 Reasons Why DNA Is The Ineludible Future Of Data Storage

Throughout history, as emerging innovations arose in various fields of technology, societies have transformed drastically to accommodate these innovations. The past century’s exponential technological growth — in fields of mass production, transportation, communication, Military technology, and space exploration — carries the potential of doing the same with our contemporary data storage practices.

Vishnu Arun


Knowledge is power and in the 21st Century, he who controls the data controls the world.

Ever since the computer revolution, Humans have been producing data at an unfathomable rate, so much so that our present storage technologies cannot keep up with it. The amount of data we are generating rises 10-fold every five years, certain sources say that by the year 2040 –3000 Zettabytes (3,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes) of Data storage will be needed to keep the internet up and running. For context, it will take you 50 billion years to watch 4K movies of total size 3000 Zettabytes.

Cassettes, CDRs, floppies, pen drives, micro SD cards, and even cloud computing are among the mainstream storage devices which we have been using for a good number of years. The size of each of these storage devices has…



Vishnu Arun

A magical swordsman chasing butterflies through lores, breathing life into the enigmatic shadows of our collective past!