5G Will Not Change the World

The technology that looks like a game-changer on paper will inevitably face the reality

Roman Luzgin


Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

The level of awareness and certain hype around 5G has been increasing rapidly over recent years, and now it seems that we reached a peak in a sense that almost everybody knows that something called 5G is coming. Some phone manufacturers pledge to launch a 5G device this year, AT&T uses a 5G network icon for its services, governments discuss if the Chinese companies should be allowed to build the infrastructure, and first beta tests are being undertaken.

Many things are happening. Analysts and tech enthusiasts talk a lot about 5G since the technology is promised to dramatically change the way certain things are set up. The enormous speed of data delivery is supposed to bring vital changes to almost all sectors of the economy, from healthcare to autonomous driving, and enable things that are not possible with other network standards.

However, reviewing the near future of 5G under the framework of common sense, it gets clear that, unfortunately, the technology will barely revolutionize the world.

A short note on the nature of 5G

The technology of 5G is the fifth generation of mobile communication systems, a successor to the modern…



Roman Luzgin

Writing about technology, coding, SwiftUI, and stuff in-between. Creator of https://www.wellworkapp.com.