8 Explanations for the UFO Phenomena — Speculations for the Upcoming Disclosure Frenzy

UFO Study
Published in
8 min readAug 8, 2020

UFOs have been publicly ignored by the world’s most powerful institutions, despite mounting evidence that they are real. Aerospace corporations, academia, and the US government have dismissed UFO claims or misled the public on the issue.

Lately, mainstream media has taken an interest in UFOs and there are rumors that government disclosure is coming. A number of UFO witness reports and government disclosures has made it clear that the government will be more open about the issue. If disclosure does happen, the repercussions may reshape the world. A public dialogue about disclosure may soon be on the way.

This commentary is not intended to persuade skeptics, but rather to acquaint casual readers with a few theories on what may be responsible for UFOs. A skeptic may perceive that the subject matter is presented as undoubtedly true. However, that is not the case. Few things are set in stone in the field of Ufology, but we must rely and build on what is documented and well-sourced. Given the elusive evidence on the subject matter, the following is a deeply speculative list of the possible explanations for UFOs. The explanations range from well-known speculations to some more esoteric ones.

Extraterrestrials (ET)/Aliens

ETs visiting Earth has been widely speculated for over a century. It is for good reason the obvious choice for the explanation of UFOs. For the casual reader, however, questions remain. More notably — are ETs real and are they visiting?

The belief that alien life exists is not controversial. Even the most ardent skeptic would consider that aliens might exist somewhere in the universe. And so, it is not a stretch to assume that such life could also be intelligent. In fact, there is a statistical probability that there are quite a few civilizations in the cosmos given the billions of habitable planets out there. Our greatest intellectual hurdle lies in understanding how ETs reach Earth from their distant home planets. No one knows for sure if intergalactic travel is possible, but our grip on scientific knowledge is limited and our civilization is young.

Theoretically, there are undiscovered methods of propulsion and alternative sources of energy that facilitate long distance travel. Humanity has a 6,000-year written history and only a few continuous centuries operating under the scientific method. Many more discoveries await us in the coming centuries and millennia. We should remain open to the possibility that cosmic voyaging is possible given the infancy of our understanding.

Once you internalize that ETs exist (somewhere), that they are intelligent, and that cosmic travel is possible you remove the mental block from your mind obstructing the connection between ETs and UFOs. Until disclosure happens, we will not have conclusive proof that ETs visit Earth, but we can discuss the abundance of unexplained UFO events and draw our own conclusions about the origins of UFO intelligence.

Possible alien AI as described by witnesses of a 1973 alleged abduction in Pascagoula, Mississippi. Image by fears and beers

ET/alien Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Ufologists have long posited that many documented ET encounters could be connected to androids or alien AI. This explanation sidesteps the issue of biological beings not being able to endure lengthy space excursions. What if alien AI are sent here for a specific purpose? What if they are the equivalent of scientists or researchers under strict no contact orders? This kind of restraint between a researcher and his subject is not uncommon out in the field.

Another suggestion is that alien AI are scouts waiting on orders to engage, hopefully for benign reasons. Perhaps they are laying the groundwork for future contact (collecting data on Earth and its population) until more of them arrive. How far ETs travel is unknown, but since space travel is a lengthy process perhaps most ET visitors are from a nearby corner of our galaxy. A shorter voyage may be more feasible, especially for AI.

Interdimensional (ID) Beings

It may be just as likely that ID beings are responsible for UFO events. We know more about the cosmos than we know about the multiverse, and yet leading physicists insist on the legitimacy of the multiverse as a scientific theory. Is it possible that beings from other worlds are crossing over to our world? If this is the case, UFO sightings could be the work of ID beings who visit our world. Ufologists have long speculated this possibility, but the evidence is so scant, it remains mostly a topic of discussion. The theory stems mainly from extremely bizarre cases.

Recently, The Skinwalker Ranch, a known hub of UFO activity in the Uinta Basin of Utah, has drawn attention to the matter. For centuries, locals have reported UFO sightings along with mysterious anomalies. Documented reports claim colorful orbs appear and reveal a different landscape and sky inside. In some cases, witnesses report creatures that come through as if the orbs were portals. The claims at Skinwalker Ranch are unsubstantiated, but the US government has taken an interest in its unexplained phenomena by funding multiyear studies through NIDS (National Institute of Discovery Science) and BAASS (Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies).

Breakaway Civilization

Could there be a high-tech civilization developing simultaneously to our own civilization and hidden in plain sight? This is the theory posited by prominent UFO author and researcher, Richard Dolan. In his 2002 book, The Secret Space Program and Breakaway Civilization, Dolan speculates that breakthroughs in technology have given rise to a parallel civilization of “elites” with many technological advancements, including advanced aerospace vehicles. Dolan roots the origins of the breakaway civilization in the military industrial complex and their crash retrieval programs of the 20th Century. These programs were secret black budget “need-to-know” programs shrouded in mystery that allegedly reversed engineered ET craft. The development of these technologies across the decades has allowed the breakaway civilization to create an autonomous industrial and economic system, according to Dolan. More notably, they have developed their own separate culture and have essentially branched off from any world government. Are we mistaking UFOs for advanced aerospace vehicles created by a breakaway civilization?

Parallel Ocean Civilization

In 2004, American fighter pilots rehearsing off the coast of Baja California reported unidentified craft at sea level. Radar specialists on the nearby aircraft carrier USS Nimitz are on record stating the unidentified craft descended from an altitude of 80,000 ft. to sea level in seconds. Commander David Fravor along with other pilots had visual contact with the UFO and the military has acknowledged the authenticity of recorded video of the encounter. US Navy pilots are adamant that something large was disturbing the water where they first saw the unidentified object hovering. Is it possible the USO or unidentified submerged object allegedly spotted had trans-medium capabilities or the ability to move through air, space, and water?

Numerous civilian and military personnel reports describe aircraft seamlessly descending into bodies of water. How much UFO activity goes on under the ocean and what can they possibly be doing? The parallel Ocean civilization hypothesis suggests that there are intelligent Earthling beings inhabiting marine bases and that they are responsible for the UFO phenomenon. It seems far-fetched, but whatever intelligence controls UFOs is either from outside this planet or from within it.

Black Project Aircraft

Governments around the world have been accused of concealing alien-tech retrieved from crash sites. Authors and researchers argue that the US military industrial complex along with some private defense contractors and aerospace companies run the most covert and robust black project aircraft program in the world. These secret special access programs are hidden from elected officials including congressmen and the president, and in some cases, high-ranking military officers including generals and admirals. US presidents have publicly called for the declassification of UFO or UAP (the military’s term stands for Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) related documents unsuccessfully or with tepid results. Whistle blowers and leaks provide evidence that research in these programs is highly compartmentalized for maximum secrecy. At the core of these programs is the reverse engineering of alien-tech and more notably of propulsion systems. Could the US government have an arsenal of reverse engineered alien craft and could these be largely the explanation for the UFO phenomena?

Artist rendition of the craft Lonnie Zamora allegedly saw in Socorro, NM in 1964. Image by High Strangeness

Travelers from the Future/Past

Could time travelers from the future, or for that matter, the distant past, be responsible for the UFO phenomena? There is something eerily familiar about beings described in many witness cases. Many appear to be humanoid and present exaggerated body proportions. Large eyes, large heads, short stature, and small muscles, for example. Is this how our bodies will evolve as technology makes our lives easier? Are human time travelers coming here and flying unidentified aircraft?

In 1964 Police officer, Lonnie Zamora, spotted a fireball in the sky and tracked it to the middle of the New Mexico desert. He got within 100 ft. of the craft and saw two child size bipedal humanoids in silver suits outside the craft. The craft was white, egg shaped, stood on 4 legs, and had a red symbol which Zamora remembered well. As soon as the beings were aware of his presence, they entered the craft and disappeared. The craft left behind a deep imprint in the sand where it landed as well as melted glass seemingly from exposure to heat. Is it possible these travelers don’t want to disturb us and create a butterfly effect that may affect their timeline?

Artist rendition of a triangle UFO. Getty Images

The Keepers/Watchers

Our last selection is fathomless if there is in fact some truth to it. Many witness cases report UFOs acting strangely in unlikely, desolate places. Some have described silent slow-moving triangle UFOs, for example, as mapping the ground or the subsurface in remote areas. What if UFO intelligence is a manifestation of what lies beyond reality or for lack of a better term, what lies beyond the matrix? Presumably, if reality is a complex illusion or software program it would need upkeep and perhaps it needs upkeep from within. What if UFOs are outside agents providing maintenance to our world? What if they are not meant to interact with us, but simply keep any eye on us and preserve the infrastructure of our reality? This might explain why UFO intelligence has not made contact and why they seem to be so elusive.

This hypothesis certainly raises more questions than it answers, and it is profoundly speculative. It is no doubt an outlandish proposition, and yet, there is a long history of unidentified objects entering our airspace and the intelligence behind it all could surprise us.


A few of the theories discussed may be responsible for UFO intelligence. To what degree and in what manner is still to be seen. If UFO disclosure is coming soon, this conversation will become much more important and widespread. And when it’s all settled and UFO intelligence is confirmed, the question will be: what are they and what do they want? Hopefully, the list discussed here will give background to the paradigm shift that will happen in a post disclosure world.

