Let’s see why to choose Kotlin in 2022?

8 stats and facts you should know about Kotlin in 2022

Kotlin has become the language of choice for the Android development industry. Here we’ve talked about why you should choose Kotlin to build your business apps. Read on here to know why!

Amyra Sheldon


Source (Google Images)
  1. In just three years, Kotlin is now used by 7.8% of the industry experts.
  2. According to StackOverflow, Kotlin was the 4th most beloved language in 2020 with 62.9% votes.
  3. Kotlin is now listed among the top 20 programming languages by Redmonk.
  4. Kotlin is among the top 3 languages that most businesses are planning to migrate their apps to in 2022.
  5. In January 2022, Kotlin released version 1.4, and the next one will come in June 2022
  6. With Kotlin Multiplatform, now it is possible to build cross-platform apps using Kotlin.
  7. Kotlin is used by global companies like Google, NetFlix, Amazon, Trello, and more.
  8. Pinterest and Uber are among the companies that migrated their apps to Kotlin from Java.

From the above graphic presentation, you must have understood that Kotlin has positioned itself very firmly in the software industry, even as a very new language. Hence, now we will tell you about the business advantages of Kotlin.

As it is easier to code in Kotlin, the chances of making mistakes are also less. Hence, being more fault-proof, the app will become easier and affordable to maintain.

Another fact is that it facilitates faster development because it is very much concise — rough estimates show that Kotlin can cut as much as 40% lines of code than Java.

Hence, fewer lines of code = less time spent on coding = less development cost. Also, as there’s an automatic Kotlin-to-Java converter, therefore giving Kotlin a try is risk-free.

Kotlin is also becoming a universally recognized language, so now you will be able to transfer your app from one platform to another if it is needed to be. In fact, after launching Kotlin multiplatform, now it is compatible with cross-platform development as well.

Lastly, Kotlin is new, fresh, efficient, and very exciting, which attracts good developers.

This language enables the implementation of the same tasks with much lesser time and effort. Also, when the code is more simple and easy-to-understand, errors are more difficult to make and even very easy to find, so the chances for them significantly decrease, and in turn, as a business, you save both time and cost.

Hence, if you are planning to build a mobile app for your business, you must consider Kotlin as a preferred language.

Want to build a scalable, secure, and interactive mobile app using Kotlin? Then hire Kotlin developers.

Android app developers who have good years of experience. Most importantly have hands-on experience building mobile apps using Kotlin. So why wait. Get in touch with a good Kotlin app development company today.



Amyra Sheldon

I am a tech enthusiast, project manager and a passionate writer with digital thinking. I write about latest technologies ie Blockchain, IoT, AI for ValueCoders.