Double Masking: Why should we use them

Doctors say double masking is a double edge sword

Rabinder Kumar


Illustration of the world wearing mask and coronavirus.
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

All over the world people are covering their faces in different ways as they like.

Wearing a mask is a common practice since the coronavirus spread globally. Masks helped in slowing the spread of SARS-Covid-2, the virus that causes coronavirus disease.

Experts suggest that we updated our masks to protect against various contaminants of Covid19. Here are the masks you need to know.

N95 Mask

Many people don’t wear N95 masks properly, which makes them less effective. It filters 95% of 0.3-micron particles, difficult to trap. N95 masks are hard to find, avoid with respirator valves. (spread your germs onto others)


The KN95 also filters 95% of hard entrapping particles. It doesn’t have head straps, so most doesn’t fit easily. It is made in China and counterfeits are normal.


The KF94 is the best choice because of its high filtration rate, quality, fits easily, with a flexible nose bridge. You can speak easily wearing a KF94.

Many health experts suggest Korean masks because of their fewer counterfeits and best quality.



Rabinder Kumar

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