9 Terrifying Technologies That Will Shape Your Future

In the following decades, we will witness the emergence of new incredible and terrifying technologies. How scared should we really be?

Luca Rossi
I, Human
Published in
23 min readJun 14, 2020


Photo by Douglas Sanchez on Unsplash

Since the first Industrial Revolution, mankind has been scared of future technologies. People were afraid of electricity. People were afraid of trains and cars. But it always took just one or two generations to get completely used to these innovations.

It’s true that most technologies caused harm in some ways, but the net outcome was usually good. This may be true for future technologies too, although there are serious ethical and philosophical reasons to be scared of some of them.

Some of them shouldn't really scare us. Some of them should. And some of them are already shaping our world.

Before we begin, I have to warn you: some of the things you will read in this story can be VERY controversial. I need you to approach this story with a very open mind, and acknowledge that the ideas I present here are just that, ideas.

I hold no extreme or fixed views, nor do I claim to have the exact answers to ethical and philosophical questions. You may have completely different ideas, and that’s totally fine.



Luca Rossi
I, Human

I am not a duck. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either lying or selling something.