A Brief History of Matter and Antimatter

One of the most interesting questions in science is “ What are the building blocks of the universe.” Greek philosophers were the first people who tried to answer this question.

Muhammad Raza Khan


The matter of matter and antimatter

Since life originated on Earth from an insignificantly small cell, it has been evolving into a more and more complex form. The first form of humans appeared between five to seven million years ago, probably, when some apelike creatures started walking on two legs. Since then, their brains evolved into more and more complex and sophisticated biological structures and here we are today. We looked around and began to be curious about the world we live in. We started asking questions like what is this world? How did it come into existence? What is it made of? etc. One of the most intriguing questions in our quest to understand the universe was about the constituents of the universe.

What are the building blocks of the universe?

Democritus, a Greek philosopher, was desperate to know the answer. He proposed the idea that all matter is made up of small indivisible particles, called Atoms.



Muhammad Raza Khan

Astronomy enthusiast, programmer, and tech-nerd. To support my writings become a medium member https://muhammadrazaa.medium.com/membership