A note on NASA Admin Bill Nelson, aliens

Chris Windes
Published in
6 min readJun 29, 2021

In “chariots of the gods,” there are no gods, or even creatures, worth following. Here’s why.

That’s Jupiter and Saturn, not UAPs, but you knew that.

NASA Admin, Bill Nelson, is making some headlines in reference to the UAP reports that have been released by the US gov’t.

He’s shared some thoughts on the prospect of alien intelligence as a possible explanation, here, and here.

First of all, God is not someone who:
-didn’t create everything
-wouldn’t tell you the truth
-wouldn’t die for you
-would forget to tell us about alien life
-would forget to tell us about intelligent alien life
-did forget to tell us about supernatural beings, and
-made this universe to prove anything besides how great and powerful he is

So, no, we’ll never, never find intelligent life that was not described by the Bible (which contains the writers of the only God that matches the above description.) This is not so much about the existence of aliens than it is about what the universe tells us about God. All-powerful just doesn’t cover it. This universe is just a sampling of his intelligence and his power. Believing anything that he made is less than miraculous, after observing life on this planet and the general ridiculous perfection of our position in a universe made to literally kill anything that moves with extreme prejudice/indifference, is a bit suspect at best. There are extraterrestrials, but the Bible has already mentioned them. They’re called angels. Unfortunately, to most people, who suffer the banality of taking everyday life for granted, and observe the soul-crushing dearth of offense for human atrocity, alien life is just romantically and logically more sound, more hopeful. This, forgetting that any species that could have progressed to the point of interstellar travel would be so far advanced past our tech that they’d make our destruction, as depicted in the most horrifyingly frightening movies on the subject, look like a quiet day baking cookies at grandma’s house. Angels, however, are the more logical result of a truly all-powerful God who works in the realm of the fantastic like it’s barely as stressful for him as it is for us rolling out of bed in the morning. The universe does not make as much sense with aliens as it does with God and his angels, not nearly. But, that some of those angels fell, and now are the most deceptively convincing workers of evil imaginable could much more logically account for the things people now believe that are seemingly more fantastic and romantic. But, these are entirely more hum drum, in fact, than the true reality of heaven, which is described by the Bible as being made by “him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” No, there is no more fantastic, yet more clearly believable scenario than a God who thinks only of us, and how many good things he can possibly give us.

Now, if you stumbled on here with the hope to find a partner in science crime to buttress a certain way of thinking, and I apologize inasmuch as the title sounded like not click-bait, but, this is actually coming from someone who has delved deeply, here on Medium and everywhere else, into the very diverse writings on the subject of first contact and Fermi/Drake equations and paradoxes. I would lean toward the dark forest or hibernation theories if I didn’t have any better explanation. But, the very apologetics-heavy explanations aren’t really my style, either. So, the above might sound like a very all-or-nothing ham-fisted delivery of an ignorant, biased nimrod (the latter being up for discussion), but, trust me, it really is the furthest from that. It is my serious contention that the very openness to the overrated,“scientifically-”based explanations on the subject belie an ever more overarching closed-mindedness to the fantastic, while simultaneously endorsing the fantastic. You see, as the story goes, aliens could explain everything, from our oblivious existence within a computer simulation (run by them), to the obvious “fact” that terrestrial life could have been seeded here (by them, on purpose or by microbes). The fantastic leap I just don’t get which is so ridiculously overlooked (mostly intellectually dishonestly, on accident on purpose) is the origin question. The fill-in-the-blank utilitarian explanation around where aliens came from before they created us is always, “duh, they evolved.” But, in that case, why do we need them, for anything? It’s an option, I suppose, but what this thinking really leads me to ask is, aren’t we then saying that there is some intelligence implied by jumping to these conclusions? That always kind of burnt me, even in my pre-adolescent PBS channel, Carl Sagan watching formative days. Microbes that evolved intelligence? From where? And, is that where we’d find the intelligence we’ve been looking for? With no nearly believable process ever discovered for ANY abiogenesis conjecture, it all came up a bit short for me.

There’s nothing like knowing, but then you find out how much you don’t know, was the sentiment of Richard Feynman. We don’t know what we have with the UAP videos, but it’s not aliens. I say that not because I know what I don’t know about them, no one does. I say it because I’m in a universe with so many unknowns that we want to believe have an explanation, but we haven’t the foggiest idea where to start looking. Bill Nelson might be looking in the national archives, but I’m looking up into the sky. What keeps me alive is more than anything mankind has ever made. Everything “out there” had to be perfect, yet some say we’re not special enough for the universe to care. I say, if we’re not special then why are we always looking for something special? Aliens would confirm that we’re not special, and that’s where most people live, at least if they’re excited about aliens. One of my all-time favorite movies is “Cosmos,” 2019 (not the Sagan or NDT show, no.). *By the way, could someone tell me who the heck that lead actor looks like who was in every movie I saw growing up, but now can’t find anywhere?!? Anyway, Cosmos takes us on a telescoping outing to beat them all when three guys stumble onto “weird signals” from space. It’s so well done, I find myself back in front of my CRT TV watching “In Search Of..,” and wanting so bad for that to happen for real. But I also want something a little more juicy. To me, the fantastic IS normal, and believing in the miraculous is like breathing. If you look up and you DON’T see a miraculous universe of possibilities, I just don’t know what you’re looking at.

CNN Business, C. N. N. B. (Ed.). (2021, June 4). NASA chief says the agency is investigating UFOs — CNN Video. CNN. https://www.cnn.com/videos/business/2021/06/04/ufo-nasa-navy-pilots-bill-nelson-chief-investigation-pentagon-orig.cnn-business. “NASA Administrator Bill Nelson tells CNN’s Rachel Crane that he has began an investigation into recent UFO sightings.”

Curl, J. (2021, June 28). Former NASA Administrator Makes Stunning Claim About Alien Life. The Daily Wire. https://www.dailywire.com/news/former-nasa-administrator-makes-stunning-claim-about-alien-life. “Nelson says he read the intelligence community’s recently released report on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), an unclassified version of the report was released on Friday.”

Bible Hub, B. H. (Ed.). (2004, June). Ephesians 3:20 NIV. Bible Hub. https://biblehub.com/niv/ephesians/3-20.htm. New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®

Windes, C. (2021, May 14). Miracles. Medium. https://medium.com/@jusayin.topix/miracles-3e55fd8cb823.

