A Revolutionary New Vision for the Internet is Here

Web 3.0 is gaining attention as the next big thing for tech

E. Alderson


But let’s begin with life 3.0.

As it’s imagined by the physicist Max Tegmark, the third iteration of life is boundless and self-improving, evolving at a rate far faster than the millions of years divorcing the emergence of bacteria and humankind. Bacteria is seen as Life 1.0: elegant yet primitive because these organisms are incapable of learning. Our capacity for both learning and creation categorizes humans as life 2.0. Yet, while we may be more complex than bacteria, both of us are bound to fleshy, biological bodies.

When artificial intelligence becomes comparable to human intelligence — and when humans and machines become more integrated with one another in the rise of techno-biological life — we will have reached life’s third iteration. The era of the superhuman, and of machines capable of faster processing, common sense, and self-improvement in a reinforcing loop. Despite the impressive leaps being made in the realm of AI today, we are still many decades off from having superintelligent machines that will rival the scope of a human…



E. Alderson

A passion for language, technology, and the unexplored universe. I aim to marry poetry and science.