A very happy birthday to Kevin Kelly

Dimitris Vayenas
Published in
7 min readApr 30, 2021


In memory of that solicited piece of advice of his that changed my life forever.

The Chinese version of Kevin Kelly’s Out of Control. His fondness for the Japanese and Asian culture is well known among his friends; he even found the love of his life in Asia.

Today is the birthday of my dear friend Kevin Kelly. I know that calling someone “dear friend” can be interpreted as an overstatement or understatement at will. In both occasions, if the friend in question is far more popular than me, I can plead guilty as charged to a criminal “name-dropping” offence.

For those who don’t know who Kevin Kelly is, you can get to know him through his opinions on AI or this presentation of a relatively recent talk on his notion of The Technium at the Long Now Foundation:

Kevin, a few days ago, for his 69th birthday, published his 99 Additional Bits of Unsolicited Advice that followed last year’s 68 Bits of Unsolicited Advice.

So, we are having 167 pieces of advice by the wise old man. Choosing the the best piece of advice out of this collection is impossible. I mean, even the…



Dimitris Vayenas

Ageing researcher of Theoretical Computer Science trying to model & quantify opacity based at Exeter College, Oxford