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AI May Have Just Invented The Ultimate Battery

Fluoride batteries are coming.

Will Lockett
Published in
5 min readJun 22, 2022


Artificial intelligence is revolutionising almost every industry on Earth. From optimising farms, to inventing new drugs, to even convincing engineers they are alive, AI is rapidly changing every aspect of our lives. In fact, a team from the University of North Carolina is now using AI to develop the ultimate battery, which will be hugely energy-dense, long-lasting, fast-charging and eco-friendly. But how has this AI managed this incredible feat? When will we get this battery? And what can we do with such outstanding technology? Welcome to the fantastic world of fluoride-ion batteries.

So what are fluoride-ion batteries? Well, functionally, they are identical to the lithium-ion batteries that we use in our phones and cars. This means that the fluoride ions (an ion is an atom with no electrons) pass from the cathode through the electrolyte to the anode to store charge and back the other way to release charge.

However, unlike lithium ions, fluoride ions are far more compact and can pack in together really tightly. This means that, in theory, a fluoride battery can be ten times as energy-dense as today’s lithium-ion batteries. For context, if you replaced the battery pack of a Tesla Model 3 Long Range with one of the same mass while using this theoretical fluoride…



Will Lockett

Independent journalist covering global politics, climate change and technology. Get articles early at