All Of Elon Musk’s Crazy Ideas

A list of Elon’s shy plans for the future.

Rufat Rassulov



Elon Musk is a super ambitious guy, he created and said so much, that a lot of people can't keep up with his plans for the future and what he already created, so here is the list of all these projects.


Photo by Nicolas Lobos on Unsplash

Elon’s most desired goal is to colonize the red planet. He wants to heat it up, so it will be suitable for humans to live on it. And then, maybe he will send us there on SpaceX rockets packed with a bunch of Teslas.



Hyperloop is basically a metro, but the pod travels without any air resistance or friction, which makes it super-fast (1124 km/h). We are going to travel in these incredible capsules by year of 2030.

Space Tourism



Rufat Rassulov

Philosophy Nerd. Writer on Mindfulness. Join Our Philosophical Community!