An astronomer with a brass nose- Tycho Brahe

Mentor of Johannes Kepler, Tycho Brahe led an exciting life filled with fun, His observations helped other astronomers to map movements of planets and stars

Karthick Nambi


Statue of Brahe and Kepler in Prague.Source-WIkipedia

It is backward of the university of Rostock there was a quarrel between two bright students. It was a duel between Manderup Parsbjerg and Tycho Brahe in pitch darkness with a sword. The fight was to establish who is the best mathematician in the world. The contest ended up a disaster as Tycho Brahe lost his nose. He led his entire life with a prostate nose made of brass, but that didn’t stop him from becoming one of the greatest astronomers. His calculations helped his assistant Johannes Kepler to formulate his law of planetary mission and later helped Issac Newton.

Early life and Astrology:

Tycho Brahe. Source-Wikipedia

Tycho Brahe was born in 1546 to a Danish family in Knudstrup, now in Sweden. His father, Otto, was a private privy to the King of Denmark. Brahe’s father wanted him to pursue his career in law, but he was interested in astronomy. In this period, astronomy and astrology came close to each…



Karthick Nambi

A human with interest in history and technology