Photo by Derek Oyen on Unsplash

Antarctic Black Gold Might Start WW3

But, the war might be over before it has even started.

Will Lockett
Published in
4 min readMay 17, 2024


You might not have noticed, but the global geopolitical landscape is far from stable at the moment. China seems like it’s ready to invade Taiwan any day now; the Middle East is utter carnage, not only with a potential genocide but a conflict that is spreading, drawing more and more countries into the fray, and Russia continues to push West through Ukraine. Any one of these conflicts could bubble over and start a world war. But, a recent discovery thousands of miles away from these hostilities is arguably far more likely to spark WW3. You see, a Russian “research” vessel recently found a gargantuan oil and gas field in the British Antarctic Territory, equivalent to 511 billion barrels of oil, or 10 times the amount of oil the North Sea has produced over the past 50 years. With Putin’s lust for black gold rising and the West’s appetite for war intensifying, will this discovery set East and West against each other?

Well, just because Russia has discovered these reserves doesn’t mean they are going to drill them. Putin needs some serious motivation to expand the Kremlin’s fossil fuel operations in this incredibly risky manner. After all, many experts worry that Russia taking resources from a Western country’s territory like this is possibly the quickest way to start…



Will Lockett

Independent journalist covering global politics, climate change and technology. Get articles early at