Apocalyptic Economies: How to Prepare For a Collapsing Society

How would you hedge against the collapse of society?

Doug Antin


Photo by Sandie Clarke on Unsplash

COVID-19 gave us an interesting look at the kind of panic that can take place in the face of collapsing first world systems. Looking closer at the decisions we made, it’s interesting to explore how people react in the moment. It provided an opportunity to analyze the aftermath and gain an understanding of our wants and needs in the face of societal collapse.

It brings to mind a question: what supplies would you want to have available as a hedge against an apocalypse?

The 2020 lockdown provides an interesting starting point to contrast with other modern examples of localized collapse. It showed how modern supply chain logistics fray under pressure. It highlights the inexperience and fears a shelter order can create because people don’t have a go-to list of materials they’d need.

But what do you really need to prioritize in such situations? What do we take for granted under normal times that would change if supply chains collapse? And how can you prepare now, as a hedge or insurance for an apocalyptic future?

A Perfect Storm: Increased Demand & Falling Supply

