Are South Korea’s K2 Black Panther Tanks Any Good? Poland Ordered 1,000 of These.

A Deep Guide Into These Newly Trending And Powerful Tanks.

That Guy, Noah


Picture credit: Wikipedia.

South Korea has always had a tense tensions between North Korea, as sad as this is to admit, leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un, even sent threats to South Korea and United States, about massive obliteration. South Korea is home to one of the kindest people on earth, it’s sad to hear that people who value freedom, and want their children to have hope have to deal with a country like North Korea…

North Korea does not have a strong military by any stretch. North Korea always focused on production of intercontinental ballistic missiles, and nuclear loaded warheads. North Korea more than likely could have never, ever developed such weapons in the first place, if not for Russia(wherever Russia goes, pain comes with it). Russia and North Korea are close friends, and just recently it has been observed that Russia and North Korea are going to sign an arms deal.

Currently, North Korea does not have modern weapons, or significant troop numbers, luckily, South Korea has always been preparing for this conflict, South Korea even developed their own Howitzer systems, which South Korea made tons of, even if North Korea will try to break through South Korea’s defense lines…



That Guy, Noah

Writer on Russo-Ukraine war, always sharing two sides of the story. Ukraine's fight for freedom and democracy supporter.