Argentina loses 100,000 hectares of soybean crop in just 14 days. But from what?

Bucho Abina III
Published in
4 min readFeb 16, 2024
Argentina experiencing a heat wave
Photo via Canva Pro Photos

Climate Change has sent another shot. This one is pretty big and it happened in a very popular and beloved place.


Before we get into what happened, I want to talk about why Argentina is so highly appreciated as it relates to the agricultural sector. Argentina is often referred to as the “breadbasket of the world”. Primarily because of its contributions to global food production. Here are some aspects.

  1. Vast Agricultural Land. They are highly fertile and very suitable for cultivation. The country's plains are massive. Some may be familiar with the name; the Pampas. It's a quite large territory of land that helps provide great conditions for raising livestock and growing crops
  2. Diverse Crop Production. They are one of the world's leading producers of oilseeds and grains, including corn, wheat, sunflower, and, soybeans.
  3. Exporting of Agricultural Products. They are a big deal when it comes to supporting global food supply chains. Their very successful production allows nations to reap many benefits. One is ensuring a stable food market.
  4. Ahead of the Game. Their high-quality agricultural products are due to ideal climates, fertile soils, and their aggressive adoption of advanced farming techniques like precision farming. All contributing to the ability to provide quality and quantity at the same time.

Argentina is a massive piece to the agricultural success of the world. This is why what I stated in the title of this story is a big deal. 100,000 hectares of soybean crop was lost in just 14 days. For those who aren't aware of the actual size of a hectare; 1 hectare is approximately 2.47 acres. So it's around 247,105 acres in total. What was the cause of these soybean crops to perish?

A heat wave.

Climate Change…

They were all marked as “lost due to irreversible stress symptoms”. So the heat wave is still hitting is massive. Last week temperatures reached around 42.5ºC or 108.5ºF. The solution here would be Mother Nature ironically. Argentina needs rain. Over 20 millimeters. “Absolutely unstable, that’s how the atmospheric system is today,” said Alfredo Elorriaga, a consultant for the Strategic Agro Guide. Alfredo goes on to say that the heat isn't going to let up and that rainfall is essential.

The fact that Argentina now has to rely on rainfall for a solution is tough.

Puts them out of control, technically.

Of course, if we backtrack to the root cause, being climate change caused by us, then now we're back behind the wheel.

And that's a place of control we've got to remind ourselves of.

We started it, we can change it.

Now What?

Let’s be real. You can book a flight and go help out. But logically many of us have ties to occupations and families that simply restrict that sort of action. Rightfully so.

So let’s pivot.

Solution-based thinking.

How could someone help mitigate a challenge like Climate Change after reading this story?

Well, I've done some research and one thing keeps popping up.

One of the main causes of climate change is deforestation. So the polar opposite to deforestation is of course to stop chopping them down, but more specifically, how would one be able to tackle the root causes of deforestation?

How To Help

“Trees are our greatest natural carbon-storing technology in the fight against the climate crisis” -Cool Earth.

Cool Earth is a non-profit organization that works to protect and conserve rainforests around the world. Their focus is working hand and hand with local people in the communities around these rainforests. Cool Earth helps provide resources and the support that is essential to protect the surrounding forests. Their actions towards mitigating climate change are significant.

Instead of going for takeout tonight or even buying another cup of coffee, a donation to this non-profit will help out tons. Going to sleep at night will feel a whole lot more fulfilling and complete. As for the cup of coffee, if you're meeting someone for business reasons or catching up with a friend, just buy it. It’s always essential for those occasions.

I've read what Cool Earth does. I love every bit of it. I'm also a believer in practicing what we preach. To be transparent; I have my donations set up for $15 a month recurring. I see it as replacing one takeout meal a month for a contribution to a cause bigger than myself. I'm not affiliated with Cool Earth at all. They just represent a mission that I deem quite significant and my favorite. Here is a link to their homepage: here

Their work is inspiring and most importantly very smart. I could, and probably will write a whole article on them. But I want you to explore their whys and hows yourself. You’ll be glad you did.

That concludes my agricultural topic for the day. My ties are to content marketing for AgTech companies and writing about agricultural news and topics. I find deep satisfaction and more importantly fulfillment from my endeavors. Wish everyone who reads this a great time. Till my next writing piece!

Best, Bucho Abina III



Bucho Abina III

Environmental Topics & Musical Opinions. Unique, but great combo.