Artificial Intelligence & Creativity

Artificial Intelligence & The Misconception Of Creativity

How AI Might Teach Us Something About Human Creativity

Tristan Wolff
Published in
6 min readJul 13, 2023


Image by the author & Midjourney

You read a lot these days about AI as a job killer: it swoops in, takes away a creative person’s skills, and puts them out of work. Bam! Another creative genius reduced to a mundane 9-to-5 grind.

Given the new AI tools and the unimagined possibilities for creating images, music/sound and text, this fear is absolutely understandable.

Upon closer examination, however, it is typical human ego-tripping.

The fear of AI “stealing creatives’ jobs” or even “killing creativity” often stems from a limited view of what we as creatives actually do (and are paid to do). It’s a fear fueled by a misconception of creativity.

And that’s exactly why Generative AI might force us to reevaluate what creativity really is.

The Misconception Of Creativity

