Astrologically Violated: The Futuristic 15-Minute City

Are 15-minute cities destined to become the ghettos for the “Own nothing, Be Happy” world citizens?

Nyhir'Vana Rho-Ophiuchi
10 min readApr 8, 2023


“The ONBH Ghetto: Coming to a City Near You?” My provocative statement poses a question that may resonate with the urban planning community: Are 15-minute cities destined to become the ghettos for people who are “happy but own nothing?” The 15-minute smart city is an urban planning concept in which most daily necessities and services, such as work, shopping, education, healthcare, and leisure, can be easily reached by a 15-minute walk or bike ride from any point in the city. As we examine the idea birthed by urban planner Carlos Moreno, we’ll take into account the astrological underpinnings of this futuristic vision. The conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in 2020, Mercury’s position, and the role of the 4th house in astrology all intertwine to form a cosmic connection to the 15-Minute City. But what does Moreno’s astrology chart reveal about the origin and potential impact of his brainchild? What about the World Economic Forum chart, the organization that is currently implementing this strategy across cities worldwide? Let’s find out. This is the 15-Minute City, Astrologically Violated…


The 15-Minute City concept is like a cosmic puzzle, with the pieces being Mercury, Gemini, and the number 15. Mercury, associated with cities, infrastructure, and short-distance commutes, is a crucial component for understanding the necessity of efficient transportation in these urban environments. Gemini, ruled by Mercury, signifies adaptability and innovation — qualities essential for a 15-Minute City. Lastly, the number 15, a Gemini degree, reinforces the connection between this progressive urban concept and the cosmic influence of Mercury. The idea behind 15-minute cities is not new. It gained momentum during the pandemic as it altered both the daily lives of millions of newly housebound commuters and ideas about future urban design. Proponents say that they are healthier for their residents and the environment as they encourage walking and cycling instead of driving cars.

The idea has also been caught up in debates over driving versus other forms of transportation. The plan would require changes to zoning rules that would allow for businesses within a community. This type of smart city would require other zoning and development changes, such as better walking and cycling infrastructure to facilitate these 15-minute journeys.

While my research couldn’t uncover Carlos Moreno’s astrology chart, I was able to extract some pieces that can tell us about this mysterious individual. Moreno was born on April 16, 1959, in Colombia — it is unstated where and at what time. This places his Uranus at 12 degrees Leo retrograde. I’ll note that this does signify that children born around that time may have potential genius levels of IQ. Perhaps even children who will go on to impact the world at large through their contributions to tech. However, because we don’t know where this Uranus is in his chart, it’s hard to say. Another placement he definitely has, even if we don’t know where in his chart, is the North Node in Libra. This North Node is actually making an exact sextile to the Uranus in Leo. This is interesting when you consider that Moreno is an urban planner. Libra is a sign associated with design and aesthetics, making things more balanced and harmonious. Finally, you have Saturn at 7 degrees in Capricorn squaring that North Node. Saturn in Capricorn is literally about building structures, and the square to the North Node here indicates that the idea or design of these structures may have to troubleshoot its initial flaws, some of which may take a toll, magnify, or increase problematic relationships within these structures. The cherry on top: you have Pluto in Virgo, with Virgo being ruled by Mercury and Pluto bringing transformation to inefficient things. Inefficient Mercury things. Infrastructure is ruled by Mercury, and Virgo is all about the small details of said infrastructure.


Let’s talk about the good ol’ World Economic Forum. To uncover more about the potential fate of 15-Minute smart cities, I delved into their chart and found some very interesting significations. By analyzing the organization’s founding, we can explore those three indicators (Mercury, Gemini, 15th degree) and how they shape the development of 15-Minute Cities across the globe.

The World Economic Forum, founded on January 24th, 1971 by Klaus Schwab, is all about engaging with the global elite. But their latest move focuses on 100 companies shaking up the tech world. These “Technology Pioneers” are revolutionizing fields like agriculture, healthcare, and sustainability with cutting-edge tech like AI, IoT, and blockchain. And the best part? They’re from all over the world, making it a truly global initiative. These pioneers claim to aspire to shape a brighter, more sustainable future with their innovations. Pretty big deal, right?

First, where Moreno, the originator of the smart city concept is concerned, his Pluto was at the 1st degree of Virgo while the WEF’s Pluto is also in Virgo but at the final “anorectic degree.” It almost screams “Moreno started it, the WEF will finish it…” Anorectic degrees also make things very dramatic, and with Pluto in Virgo, it’s can speak to obsessiveness in trying to solve the problems of the world or perfect it. Trying to find solutions for poverty, homelessness, everything — it’s quite similar to playing god, but I digress, that just might be my opinion. The main attraction here, though, is Saturn at 15 degrees in Taurus. Saturn also corresponds to your role in society. In the WEF, Saturn is the ruler of the WEF itself due to the organization having an Aquarius sun but also their midheaven in Capricorn (which is another career-defining indicator in the chart). Their sun in Aquarius is also at 3 degrees, the degree of Gemini. The WEF seems to like Moreno’s 15-minute city concept a lot. Why? Well, we can see in the chart that the WEF’s Uranus (the ruler of innovations and technology) is in a collaborative aspect called a sextile to Moreno’s Uranus in Leo. But more (or maybe equally) importantly, it is in conjunction with his North Node in Libra, which could very well be seen as his artistic and innovative vision for the future (depending on where that North Node fell in Moreno’s chart).

Now, this article is strictly research and the information I see within the chart… The next thing I’m about to cover may be a bit of a stretch but, follow my logic here. The WEF’s Midheaven (how the individual or organization is publicly perceived and what their legacy will be) is at 22 degrees. This degree is what I call the “murderous intent degree” because of its studied association in murder cases. That’s right, in many murderers’ charts, or murder events that take place, this degree is prominent for some reason. Again, I’m not trying to infer anything here, but that’s simply not a good astrological sign. I wouldn’t want that as my public reputation. 22 in numerology is known as a master builder/manifestation number. This 22-degree is in the sign of Capricorn and also at the degree of Capricorn. To me, this can suggest corruption within an organization, a structure that somehow becomes viewed synonymously with murder, or simply, the structure of 15-minute cities can lead to situations where there is an increase in homicide compared to normal cities. It’s an entirely different topic, but I had to call it out, especially since it is opposite the IC, which would indicate the homes and families in the structures built by the WEF…


Earlier, I mentioned that Saturn and Jupiter played a role in breathing life into this concept. In July 2020, the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group published a framework for cities to “build back better” using the 15-minute concept. This was as Saturn and Jupiter were months away from meeting with a closeness echoing their last meeting around the “birth of Jesus Christ.” Many believe this conjunction ushered us into the true dawn of the “Age of Aquarius.” The ongoing climate crisis at the time and the global COVID-19 pandemic likely prompted a heightened focus on the 15-minute city concept and how resources (Taurus) could start to be preserved. So, why is that important?

This conjunction was particularly significant because it marked the beginning of a new 200-year cycle in which Saturn and Jupiter will conjunct in air signs. In the Age of Aquarius, Taurus takes charge of the fourth house, which rules land, properties, and homes. Saturn’s position at 15 degrees in Taurus in the WEF’s chart and its link to the 4th house suggests a strong influence on the rise of 15-Minute Cities. The media, however, seems to muddy the waters by labelling this phenomenon a “conspiracy” (okay, sure, mainstream media…), which can be attributed simply to the Scorpio-ruled tenth house in the Age of Aquarius opposing this Taurus-ruled fourth house. Known for control and the occult, Scorpio’s presence here could explain the mainstream media’s constant attempt to “control” the narrative. Be wary not to fall into the trap of conflating the issues of the 15-minute cities by labelling them “conspiracies.”


The C40 Knowledge Hub provides an overview of 15-minute city policies in cities like Barcelona, Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Melbourne, Milan, and Portland. The 15-Minute City Project website mentions Berlin and Mexico City as examples of cities with hyper-proximity. An article from Global News mentions Paris and a group of cities in the UK that will begin piloting their own plans next year, as well as Edmonton’s recent interest in the concept. Toronto has also considered the 15-minute city. The Downsview Airport in Toronto is being converted into housing and workspace for 80,000 people in a true 15-minute city, which we will discuss shortly. Israel has embraced the concept in new residential developments. Singapore’s Land Transport Authority proposed a master plan that included the goals of “20-minute towns” and a “45-minute city” by 2040. Other cities, including Glasgow, Portland, and Hamilton, aim for 20 minutes. The Line is a development project in Saudi Arabia that takes the concept to an extreme (Scorpio) by having all necessary amenities within a 5-minute walk.

The following is my study on the city of Toronto in an effort to understand how it might be influenced by the rise or fall of the advanced urban environment of a 15-minute city.


I chose my hometown to conclude this piece. Disclaimer: this might not be 100% accurate, as we don’t know for sure if the creation of the city of Toronto was exactly at 10:13 am, as declared on the internet. For all we know, the city could have been officially effective midnight Tuesday, July 30, 1793, so take this with a grain of salt.

  1. Right off the bat, Saturn is at 15 degrees of Taurus, making it exactly conjunct the WEF’s Saturn. It’s also in opposition to Jupiter at 22 degrees in Scorpio. Jupiter rules the 3rd house, which indicates cities. The condition of the 3rd house’s ruler is in that intense degree we discussed, almost as if the city is willingly open to transforming into what the WEF is proposing. By the way, the 8th house rules transformation.

2. Pluto here is at 24, making it exactly conjunct with the North Node of the WEF. The WEF brings its Aquarian ideals and innovations to the city of Toronto, which may bring with it major transformations.

3. WEF’s 13-degree Uranus in Libra is conjunct with Toronto’s Ascendant at 9 degrees. The Ascendant speaks to how the city and its people physically present themselves — advanced and technologically adept. We already see Toronto as among the early adopters of this 15-minute city Uranian wave.”

4. The 7th-degree North Node in Virgo (with Mercury co-present) speaks to the city becoming progressive by purifying, eliminating, and aligning to the 7th-degree, in trine to Carlos Moreno’s Saturn in Capricorn, which rules structures and regulations. Mercury is in the strongest position ever in the 12th house. As the North Node signifies one’s destiny, it’s possible Toronto could end up being one of the cities that eventually find a way in the future to perfect the 15-minute city idea in a harmonious “Virgo in the 7th degree of Libra way,” as the astrology here may suggest.

I’ll be keeping my eye on this and further researching if these types of correlations appear in the astrology charts of other cities (who knows, maybe I’ll end up making a documentary on it). It’s amazing how, through decoding the cosmic connections between astrology and 15-Minute Cities, we can better understand the potential impact and future of these urban landscapes. Will they become nothing more than the ghettos of the “Own Nothing, Be Happy” world citizens, or will they provide a sustainable, thriving environment for all? The stars may hold the answer, offering valuable insights to guide our path in this ever-changing world.


“Rho Ophiuchi is a Ghanaian author, award-winning musician, and Western astrologer in British Colmbia Canada specializing in Astrocartography, Cynexus & Evolutionary Astrology. Rho creates media experiences on AI, the gaming industry, and human intimacy.”



Nyhir'Vana Rho-Ophiuchi

Cosmic Stoic. Silent-ish Protagonist. Join my Zol'ciety & subscribe on YouTube🪐