Benefits & Applications of a Barcode System in a Library

Anvi Lewis
Published in
4 min readApr 25, 2022

The application of barcode scanners in managing a library is most successful due to its speed, accuracy and reliability. It provides a simple and inexpensive method of encoding text information that is easily read by inexpensive electronic readers. Barcoding also allows data to be collected rapidly and with extreme accuracy.

The main objectives of barcoding documents in a library are as follows:

  • To achieve accuracy
  • Time saving of users
  • Easy process as stock verification
  • To reduce operational cost and
  • Improve operational efficiency

Applying Barcoding in Libraries

Checking System at the Gate

This is the checking system when a user leaves the library with the issued books. For this purpose, a barcode reader can be effectively used and a terminal can be installed on the gate. Since charging/discharging is done online, the whole database is automatically updated. When the borrower leaves the library, the accession number of the document carried by the user will again be scanned at the gate. In the case of an issued document the computer will approve the exit. But, in case, someone is carrying a document that has not been issued, the computer will give an alarm and a message to the immediate effect.

Identification of Membership

We know very well that in libraries entry is restricted to their members only. Thus a person is deputed on the gate as gateman or security guard to check identity cards of each person entering the library. If the members are provided barcoded identity cards, then this checking becomes very easy. A barcode scanner is installed at the gate of the library and every person entering the library has to place his/her identity card on the scanner. If the person is not a member of the library, the computer will give the alarm and thus restrict the entry and the identification of unauthorized entry will be made.

User Statistics

Under the manual system most of the libraries maintain a gate register wherein members are requested to enter his/her details and mark their signature as a proof of their visit to the library. It is time consuming and users show indifference towards entering their particulars. With the help of this register, time series and classified statistics can not be given instantly. When users are provided with barcoded identity cards, it is possible to overcome all these difficulties. Thus user statistics are useful for various purposes, particularly for improvement in library services and control.

Charging and Discharging of Books

Due to the normal distribution system the charging and discharging of books is a time consuming process, as stamping of due dates and other data entry work have to be carried out. But in a barcoded environment, when a user goes to the circulation counter, the counter staff scans his/her identity card and activates the borrowing status. If the computer permits the borrowing facility, the document is scanned for accession number and is issued to the user without any delay.

Issue of No Dues Certificate

No dues certificate is issued when any member leaves the organization/institution and his/her membership is canceled and the library issues no dues certificate. This process is time consuming and error prone in a manual system. In an automated system using barcode technology the member surrenders his/her identity card and the counter staff scan it. The automation package will search the database for any document issued in his/her name. If nothing is due, no dues certificate will be printed. Otherwise, the related list of documents issued in the name of the member.

Stock Verification & Cross-checking

Stock verification and cross checking is a very tedious and time-consuming job in libraries and during stock verification & cross checking the users are restricted to use the library facility. Here barcode readers are used very effectively, and it is quicker and error free. Under this process, all the documents in the library are scanned and data is gathered in the hand held terminal. When it is about to fill, the data is downloaded to the host computer. Once all the documents in the library are scanned, it is compared with the database of the total documents. If it does not tally, it will give the details of documents of which accession number has not been scanned.

Barcode technology is the most accurate and least expensive way to identify items/documents and get data into the computer. Its application increases productivity, and eliminates human error, improves speed of operation and services.

The operational cost reduces by eliminating book cards and book pockets. The magnitude of expected improvement of the introduction of the barcode technology in a library with the automation is directly proportional to the size of its collection, the number of users, and the number of transactions per day. Thus, application of this technology will definitely improve the image of the library and develop a positive attitude of users towards the library.



Anvi Lewis
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