Beware! Your Mobile Screen is Eating Your Precious Time

We Pick Up Our Phones 58 times a day and It is Alarming

Ajay Sharma


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

When Coronavirus started affecting habits of sociality during lockdowns, humans turned toward their smartphones’ screens.

Within March alone, Twitter was topped up with the stories of shock and amazement. People were posting picture grabs of their increased screen time. Although some excused themselves saying that it is an unprecedented time, many were horrified that smartphones had eaten up more than seven days of a month of their life.

Those were the days when people were anxiously looking for every bit of news created and fed by the coronavirus pandemic. These bits and bytes of anxieties fueled their loneliness more and more. People wanted to remain connected, but governmental prohibitions did not allow them to connect physically. These lockdowns on social lives in the name of social distancing produced the prime numbers that were frightening.

The world spent 1.6 Trillion hours on smartphones till mid-August 2020. (App Annie)

Indonesians spent an average of 6 hours a day on phones in early 2020. Indians were second with 4.8 hours of usage up by 37%. (App Annie)



Ajay Sharma

Reader, Writer, Researcher | Media Professional | Interested in Existentialism, Death & Dying, History, Anthropology, Arts, Music & Digital Futures