Blue Is Not a Color. It’s a Mystery

Scientists Claim That Blue Pigment Is Rare to Find.

Ajay Sharma


Nature has not been kind to blue compared to other colors.

It has got a tiny window on the vast spectrum of colors.

Blue sits somewhere between violet and green on this spectrum. It reaches human eyes between the visible light wavelength of 450 and 495 nanometres, which is a very brief span. Red has the longest wavelength at around 700 nanometres.

Blue is scattered everywhere in the form of hues and a mix of other colors.

Scientists claim that blue is rare. Its pigment is hard to find.

Where is The Blue Pigment?

Still, you see blue plants such as morning glories, bluebells and hydrangeas and few blue flowers. This blue color comes from a red pigment called anthocyanin. Plants mix it with other pigments to produce blue.



Ajay Sharma

Reader, Writer, Researcher | Media Professional | Interested in Existentialism, Death & Dying, History, Anthropology, Arts, Music & Digital Futures