Neuroscience: Thalamic and Olfactory Integration Into Thought

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5 min readMay 10, 2022
Neuronal Anatomy via Jennifer Walinga and Charles Stangor

Thoughts are activities and signals of neurons. Activities and signals can be monitored and displayed by neuroimaging.

However, what thoughts are, by structures, dimensions, forms and thorough contents are mostly undetectable by neuroimaging and neural interfaces.

Seeking where thoughts come from — begins with the source of sensory integration in the brain: the olfactory bulb for smell, the thalamus for all other senses.

The important question is why is integration necessary — before relay? Why are senses not the same {visual, gustatory and others}, to the brain?

The answer, mainly, is because the brain has to have a uniform unit of information coordination, and most importantly a dominant unit of storage.

There are lots of ways to understand integration, before answering — integration into what?

Integration is convergence. Integration is collection into similarity. Integration is a meeting point. Integration is a changing area, into a uniform for the team, before procession or relay to play.

In brain science, it is standard that after senses are integrated in the thalamus, they are relayed to the cerebral cortex for interpretation. The unit of integration, however, or into what, has never been proposed in the history of the field.

Thought or a form of thought is the uniform unit of thalamic and olfactory integration in the brain. This is the first specific submission on where thoughts {as they are known} come from. It takes away asymmetrical answers across sources, as well as pivots from predictive coding, as a way the brain models the world, with no clear answers on how.

Integration is the point of {converged} version of senses, or {uniform} unit of senses, or {thought} version of senses. Olfactory sense {input} — thought version of it {integrated}.

The speed, size, shape and edges of respective thought versions can be postulated but it is only the thought version of senses that goes to the memory to be stored, grouped then sent to where feeling effects are, to be followed by a reaction.

What the memory stores are thought or in the form of thought. So, to the brain a car, a PC, a device, a cable are held in the memory as thought versions.

The reason anything external can bring sadness or happiness is because the thought version of that sense {sight or sound of a PC}, went to the memory store of what it is, to be known, but the thought version changed the group of that store, from where it was, to {say} a “speedy” group or a “damaged” group.

Speedy group could mean working excellently. Damaged group could be where the store goes to mean faulty.

It is this change of group that sends the thought to the destination for feeling effect, which could be happiness or sadness, and reaction may follow, which could be screaming or smiling.

So thoughts, after they emerge, transport. It is that activity that neuroimaging might see, but does not render.

Memory groups

Stores in the memory are in the smallest of units. But each store belongs with a {default} group. With sensory input, dreams, imagination, thinking and others, stores go from group to group — in different orders. Stores keep an identifier of every group they have been, so that they can visit again, or be taken there often.

Store transport, across groups, in the memory is a deterministic factor in every situation and activity, for exteroception {external sense} and interoception {internal sense} and .

The change — with input or function — of a store from one dominant group to another can also be described as neuroplasticity, not just store or group formation.

Why does the memory group stores?

The memory wants to minimize availability, production and completion complexities, so it can provide group information quickly or pick something and allow what is known from the group round it up.

So it is not what something is, but what it means.

An object can be in its place: what it is {store} and where {default group} matches, but if there is an appearance of being elsewhere, i.e. the store of the object to another group, it could result in a corresponding effect, then reaction.

A screeching sound from a disk is not just noise but means something’s not right, which may need a response.

Similarly, with danger, what happens before flight is that the group {of a meaning} is visited by a specific {alarm} store before sending to destination to feel fear — or to know, then to feel.

Fault or ‘something not right is a group in the memory, same for speed, size, shape, length, distance, danger, pleasure and so on.

Incoming thought version to the memory gets cut to the smallest possible unit, since everything it means that’s already a group goes to the group to submit, leaving the core meaning in the store.

Groups form from early on, when stores have similarities. These similarities merge to become groups and reserve spaces for stores that would visit or had visited.

There is a destination for feeling effects. This destination has regular feelings, worse, best and feeling during sleep. It is how stores change groups — that begins what ends with a good or bad feeling, which may, in parallel release a neurotransmitter, then reaction follows.

Only active thoughts go to where feeling effects are. Passive have to interchange first to go there. There is only one active thought on the mind at any moment but numerous passive thoughts.

Thoughts, active or passive, are the lead message units of neurons. Thoughts emerge when senses from external stimulus get integrated. Thoughts may follow internally from the memory.

Why is This Important?

Where thought comes from and how it travels {in the brain} is vital in every case of mental health to ease how interventions are better designed and measured.


The unit of integration before relay is thought or a form of thought.

It is the thought version of anything external that the brain uses to model and relate with the world.

The unit with which the memory stores integrated senses {internal or external} is thought or in the form of thought.

The memory has smallest unit of stores, with groups holding the most information.

Thoughts to memory: picked into stores found in a {default} group: then to other stores: then procession as thought: to the destination of feeling effect.

Stores are thought packages. Groups are store packages.

Stores have an identifier of groups they have been. Groups have spaces for stores that come around.

Store transport to groups could be differences in learning, understanding, intelligence, emotional sway, engagement and so on. Store transport also has a role in mental disorders.

Recollection is sometimes inaccurate because stores follow a different sequence to groups from the original.

Type and localization of neurons may determine their thought ability, store or group carriage.

Sometimes the difficulty to learn some tasks fast as an adult, or to remember sometimes, is because of difficulty in attaching a store to a group, or having a store visit or find a group that holds the rest of that meaning.

The memory gives information from groups really fast, which becomes what is often called predictions. But, there is nothing predicted that is not known. Prediction is in the form of thought. The memory takes in converted thought and gives thought. There is no bare prediction, but memory gives, of thoughts.

As thoughts, words are lighter, faster and with certain edges, easing why they hurt, stoke anger, happiness, anticipation, causes and so on.




action potentials—neurotransmitters theory of consciousness