But wait, is there such a thing as a quantum computer?

Korvin AG
Published in
9 min readNov 12, 2018

The future will be clearly dominated by advanced technologies, such as the quantum computer. If you are particularly interested in the quantum computers, you can find many interesting articles on the internet. The only problem is that these writings neither reveal what the quantum computer is — nor whether there is such a thing at all.

Which reality is yours? This or that or both or none of these? At the end of the day, these are just the same. Image sources: Bartosz Kwitkowski (left part of the image) and Phil Hauser (right part of the image) \ Unsplash

The next generation of computers?

IBM, for its part is developing a quantum computer called ‘IBM Q‘, which is according to their official statementis an industry first initiative to build universal quantum computers for business and science“. But, if you are to dig further you’ll realize that actually only an open-source programming framework, called the Qiskit, has been materialized so far. Which is interesting, given that in a parallel statement IBM claims that “a worldwide network of Fortune 500 companies, academic institutions, and startups use IBM Q technology“. So, in other words this is a technology that exists, but at the same time it does not. And henceforth it could be and could not be used by Fortune 500 companies. IBM is “driving a roadmap of innovation” right now — in their own words — so we have to wait on the bench to figure out what that means.

Intel, a leading chip maker has already unveiled its first-ever superconducting quantum test chip, the ‘Tangle Lake’. It is a 49-qubit chip, which uses so-called Josephson junctions, allowing a qubit to represent both a ‘0’ or a ‘1’ at the same time, thus being able to perform real quantum computing power. Sadly the chip is only operable at temperatures that are 250 times colder than the temperature of the outer space. It is noteworthy that the coldest temperature ever reached artificially in a laboratory is 0.00036 Kelvin, just a bit higher than 0 Kelvin, which is -273.15°C or -459.67°F. While it said to be 10000 colder than the temperature of the outer space, it is a dubious claim at best, since — being a vacuum — the outer space has no such attribute like temperature. Only objects placed in the space could have a temperature, but you can never get lower than a minimum of just 2.7 Kelvin or -270.45°C, which is the temperature of the cosmic microwave background radiation, which permeates the entire Universe. So, actually we have a technology at hand that needs a 250 colder environment as the outer space, but which is operating on higher temperatures than those parts of the outer space that aren’t exposed to a constant sunlight (objects could be as hot as +260°C in that case). So, it is a bit hard to decide whether it is something we could consider an existing and working technology as of now. According to Intel’s statements, “the goal is to ultimately build a commercially viable quantum system“, which means that there is no such thing as of now. Intel is “advancing quantum computing from research to reality” right now — in their own words — so those who are in the reality must wait some more time for it.

A team of American and Russian scientists at the Harvard University created a new machine that reportedly “allowed the group to become leader of the pack in the ongoing race to create a full-fledged, fully functional quantum computer capable of replacing traditional silicon chip-based systems“. It is said to be an ‘adiabatic quantum computer‘ that uses a different approach, by being closer to the analogue computers of the beginning of the 20th century than to the digital devices of the present. By browsing trough their published theorems, there is no trace — or even mentioning — of a physical instance of such a machine however, making it hard to decide whether or not it exists.

But apparently there is a working quantum computer, which is produced by the Canadian company, D-Wave. It is called the D-Wave 2000Q™ System, and it is a factually existing machine. And just recently, D-Wave announced that it allows free computing time for anyone. What is troublesome however, is that academic papers tend to find no actual proof of this computer to be actually having a considerably higher computational capacity than of a supercomputer one tenth of its price. And what is even problematic is that there are more parties claiming that it actually isn’t a quantum computer than parties supporting the claim. Without diving into the scientific riff-raff here, it is enough to mention that the UC Berkeley and the IBM penned a paper together which categorically rejects the validity of D-Wave’s claims. The skepticism concerning D-Wave’s alleged quantum computer is based on the fact that there is “no direct evidence that quantum coherence is playing a role in the observed speed-up, or indeed that entanglement between qubits is ever present in the system“. So, elaborating on these contradictory statements, this machine is either a quantum computer or is not a quantum computer.

Other attempts are based around capturing light-based information as sound waves on a computer chip, that processes data in the form of photons instead of electrons. While it promises a 20 times faster and non-heat emitting way of operation in a very energy-efficient way, fact is that companies such as IBM and Intel while pursuing light-based computing, so far they were unable to actually produce such a machine. As with most types of the ‘next generation of computersthere is an exhaustive literature about it, even though not a single operable example exists.

As a coup de grace delivered to the scientific community, a teenager just recently proved mathematically that even the quantum theories are flawed at best. 18-year-old Ewin Tang has proven that classical computers can solve the “recommendation problem” nearly as fast as quantum computers. The result eliminates one of the best examples of quantum speed-up. In a published paper, he states that “quantum machine learning does not in fact give an exponential speed-up over classical algorithms” and that “we can continue to ask whether any quantum machine learning algorithms have provably exponential speed-up over classical algorithms“.

The quantum bluff: if it is true, it is untrue.

While scientists and researchers were struggling to create a quantum-state-operated system, they were unintentionally created a quantum state of the truth. In terms of the quantum computer, it appears that it exists (the state of ‘1’) and it doesn’t exist (the state of ‘0’) at the very same time. Just like that poor cat of Schrödinger.

And Schrödinger’s favourite cat is the key to understand the problem with quantum computers: in fact the whole concept is bogus, since Schrödinger’s living cat is not the opposite of Schrödinger’s dead cat, because a living cat is NOT the non-existence of a dead cat.

Trouble is that if you question the validity of this inane tale, you risk of being excluded from the community of scientists — for life. So, you ain’t gonna question it, especially as long as there’s money thrown at the research of a bursting bubble.

The quantum state itself is very real, only it has nothing to do with a bit-like superposition, for nothing in the nature have an attribute of either zero, one or both. In reality all exists and does not exist to a certain degree at the very same time. Anything that exists can exist or can not exist, and its non-existence can exist or can not exist. The fault of the quantum concept: the existence of something is not the non-existence of the opposite.

Therefore the only real superposition could only be described as a point on a quantum plane that is defined by the axes of existence and non-existence.

The New Compendium Conceptual Framework-based Truly Autonomous Machine Artificial General Intelligence / HW architecture treats existence and non-existence as axes with values that together designate a plane. (e.g. Cartesian axes, where the horizontal axis is the abscissa axis and the vertical axis is the axis of ordinates.

The quantum plane of existence (E) and non-existence (NE)

For a healthy person, existence is in a positive range and non-existence is in the negative range. A disease increases the value of non-existence and reduces the value of existence. By looking at another example, mammoths went extinct in 1650BC, but if scientists try to de-extinct it by cloning its preserved DNA what we see is that the value of existence of the mammoth has been negative for the last few millennia, but after successful cloning, it is in the positive value range. At the same time, the value of non-existence of the mammoth remained positive, but after the successful vivification, it is moving to the negative range and it remains there as long as the individual was alive.

Perhaps, Schrödinger’s cat knew not how life and death is not two distinct phenomenons? Our world is determined by a fundamental contradiction: Life can only exist through consuming dead things, but dead can only be something that was previously living. The contradiction is therefore that neither life nor death could exist before the other. This contradiction might sounds like a philosophical or theological theorem, but it is more like a practical fact: for the computer there is just the number one, which means that there is current in the circuit (~ comparable to ‘life’) and the number zero, which means that the the circuit does not receive power (~comparable to a ‘lack of life’ or ‘death’).

And this is the reason why a qubit-operated quantum computer will not be be the last stage in the pursuit of a natural supercomputer.

The Circumstantial Realquantum Processor (CRP)

(The NCCF-based TAM AI is using a unique benchmarking system that is aware of the question of existence and non-existence. This particular issue determines for the AI whether a given object could be present in its area of operations in the given operations period or not.)

The NCCF-based TAM follows a design principle in which the hardware is customized in order to serve the purposes of the ultra high-level operating system (UHLOS). Therefore the following could be applied only to systems where the sensory and other input data are checked against a set and stored normal value range. The behaviour of the TAM AI is dependent on the synod of certain sets of normal value ranges.

The Circumstantial Realquantum Processor (CRP) operates on the basis of the above principles, and is able to interpret an almost infinite number of superpositions per a single cylinder. The sensed or interpreted values of the existence and the non-existence of an object (or, in the case of the NCCF-based TAM, an event, a phenomenon or a process) are fed to the cylinder’s two opposite ends as correspondingly strong positive charges. The positioner ball, which is negatively charged, henceforth assumes a relevant position in the tube of the insulated cylinder. A distinct position sensor reads (measures) the exact position of the positioner ball, and feeds this value into the input side of a running operational process. And that’s it. Such cylinders could be batched together into clusters, and so the attribute pairs could be expanded to more precisely interpret the character properties of an object. Also, after taking into account gravity and friction factors, it is possible to interpret values on the quantum plane. In this case, instead of the cylinder, the position is being read from a bushing like a coin-cell battery.

If you are interested in NEW COMPENDiUM Conceptual Framework-based Truly Autonomous Machines, hardware and AI components, plugins, extensions, implementations, etc. contact: inquiry@newcompendium.com













Intel Starts Testing Smallest ‘Spin Qubit’ Chip for Quantum Computing



Korvin AG
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Ex-military pro-stability thinker and a serious believer of a brighter future.