BYD Blade Battery — BYD Twitter

BYD’s Blade Battery Has Changed The EV Game

It is so good that Tesla will soon use it over their own 4680 battery.

Will Lockett
Published in
5 min readNov 5, 2022


You may have never heard of BYD, but this Warren Buffett-backed EV manufacturer is dominating the EV market in China and outselling every other brand. Now, BYD wants to expand its reach to the rest of the world. One way they are doing this is by selling their astonishing Blade Battery to other manufacturers (including Toyota and Tesla) and, in the process, changing the EV landscape forever with their unparalleled battery. So what is so special about this battery? And what kind of sea change is it expected to set in motion over the coming years?

BYD’s Blade Battery was launched way back in 2020. It uses two technologies: LFP (or LiFePO4) chemistry and a blade cell design, which make it incredibly energy dense, extremely safe, remarkably long-lived, and astonishingly cheap.

Let’s start with energy density. LFP batteries have been around for a while now, and they have some brilliant advantages over regular lithium-ion batteries, as they tend to be safer and far cheaper. But this comes at a cost, as they are also far less energy dense. This has meant that many EVs can’t switch to using LFP packs, as they simply don’t have enough space to install a large enough LFP battery.



Will Lockett

Independent journalist covering global politics, climate change and technology. Get articles early at