Can Sustainability Mindset be Taught and Who Should Lean In to Grow It?

Sophie Zoria
Published in
4 min readAug 4, 2020


Photo from Unsplash

By definition, a mindset is a “fixed state of mind,” which already implies that it is not something that can be changed easily. Still, this is something needed for a true progress in sustainable development, which should cease to be a matter of mandatory reporting and should become a matter of intrinsic motivation.

Growing sustainability mindset is a critical mass of the planet’s population is the goal of such scope and ambition, that it is out of reach of anyone entity. Nonetheless, it is difficult to imagine a party opposing sustainable values. From cleaner and safer urban environments to higher living and ethical standards — it offers benefits that go far beyond environmental issues commonly associated with sustainability. So, in all fairness, everyone has reasons to be involved.

Here is a critical look on who should lean in.


When we are talking about the goal as grand as a sustainability-aware society, the most obvious place to start with is families. After all, parents have an enormous impact on the formation of their child’s mindset. In terms of learning, this means that no matter how cleverly designed the education system is, its ultimate effectiveness will depend on parents’ involvement.



Sophie Zoria

Sophie Zoria is a passioned author covered tech trends, mobile apps, and design.