Can We Upload Human Consciousness?

There are no laws of physics that stand in the way of the ultimate step in achieving functional immortality

Leon Okwatch


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Transhumanism is a philosophical school of thought that vouches for the idea that human beings should use science and technology to transcend their limitations.

The earliest whispers of the transhumanist agenda arise from geneticist J.B.S Haldane’s essay, Daedalus: Science and the Future, published back in 1923. In particular, Haldane was interested in the science of eugenics, which involves the modification of the genome to improve the quality of the human population.

Fast forward to today, massive advancements in science and technology provide numerous frontiers to explore the agenda. As a result, the goal has been extended to include the elusive concept of human immortality.

Sounds interesting, right?

Well, it is. But the big question is how exactly we intend to achieve this. A crazy idea that is quickly gaining traction is that of mind uploading; that is, transferring the contents of the human brain(including consciousness) into a computer.

Now, before you dismiss this as pseudoscientific jibber-jabber, let's first explore where we are with respect to mind uploading.



Leon Okwatch

Blockchain enthusiast. Web3 writer passionate about dissecting the intricacies of the technology, word for word. Guided by abundance mindset+law of attraction.