Can You Love a Nanobot? Vol. 1, Chapter 17 — 1600 Pennsylvania Ave

Thomas Humphrey Williams
Published in
17 min readApr 19, 2024

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.
Thomas Babington

The White House
Special Agents Dumas and Foley reported to the White House the day after meeting with FBI Director Hatcher. She told them to prepare a detailed briefing on the whole Cube robot case thing for the President and National Security Advisor, John Barry.

Hatcher was purposely left out because Harrison, a former prosecutor, preferred the candor of face-to-face talks with employees without the boss. The Director, familiar with White House routines, knew she could join them in 30 minutes. She also knew after the meeting she would get a call and get hauled in over something said in that first half hour. So Hatcher debriefed Dumas and Foley ahead of their meeting with the President.

Foley could hardly believe the President of the United States had requested to meet with her and Dumas! She didn’t understand most politicians, but President Harrison was different — inspiring, smart, and a tough leader. Throughout her career at the Bureau, starting in forensics, Foley rarely let her enthusiasm show, at least not on the job. Today seemed different.

A city girl, Felicia was fascinated by huge DC monuments and enchanted by the White House, especially the lawns and big trees. Now she was walking from the Metro with Ingrid to go inside and speak with the President! Barely able to contain her secret thrill, it seemed unreal, almost like a dream come true. The cold, snowy day hardly bothered her on this exciting day.

Felicia grew up ten blocks from Pennsylvania Avenue, in northeast DC. Her grandmother took her to the mall or Lafayette Square Park often. They would pause before the Treasury building to see the big white mansion surrounded by tall trees. Her grandmother squeezed her hand, telling ’Lecia she could be President someday, you never know. She figured all grandmothers say that.

“Michelle Obama made the house a home, I heard. Raised a family in there, she did. Folks in the District loved having the Obama family in town,” Felicia shared memories of her grandma with Ingrid as they approached the visitor entrance. “She once said anybody could walk in the front door of the White House when Abe Lincoln lived there.”

“Might want to keep that fact to yourself around the Secret Service.” Ingrid suggested to her co-worker and now partner on this case as they approached the doors. “Leave childhood memories outside, we need to stick to the agenda we discussed with the Director. They play hardball in this town. I need you to help me pitch for resources, Foley. More hands on-deck, boots on the ground, whatever. Help me make our case in the few minutes we might get with President Harrison. No fawning or asking for signatures.”

“I plan to stay on message like we discussed, Dumas. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine,” Foley replied as they entered the lobby. “Don’t tell me you never wanted to get invited to the White House, growing up across the Potomac in Arlington.”

Security Check
Despite leaving their service weapons back at HQ, it still took 20 minutes to clear security. Full-body scanners to begin. Female guards went over her almost as much as Ingrid’s ex-boyfriend Theo once did. Strange to recall official visits to prisons and her last boyfriend.

A law enforcement officer herself, Dumas didn’t mind searches, yet those were strange memories to have right then. High Desert Prison. Supermax guards do thorough searches. She remembered that brilliant man she caught selling secrets about corporate mergers, sitting there in his orange prison jump suit. That was then, this was the Secret Service.

They made her use her iPad to be sure it was a working tablet and not a bomb. We’re both with the Bureau, she thought but didn’t dare say out loud. Felicia did say something similar to no effect. Soon the two of them sat waiting for a Marine escort.

A woman in full dress uniform soon entered. “Special Agents Foley and Dumas?”

“Yes, that’s us. I’m Foley, she’s Dumas.” Felicia answered since Ingrid seemed momentarily lost in thought.

“Thank you, Special Agent Foley. Please follow me.” They both got up and followed the Marine, spinning on her heels. Felicia wondered why this woman was given this task. She guessed it was something to do with the whole commander-in-chief thing.

They walked through narrow hallways to an elevator. The elevator descended briefly before opening into a hall. They were wanded by another guard outside a conference room then hustled inside.

Situation Room
Barry, the National Security Advisor, introduced himself and invited them to sit down and wait for a moment. Two big men in suits and wearing earpieces abruptly entered the room. They looked around carefully before one of them announced “Clear,” apparently to nobody in particular. The President entered the room and one Secret Service agent left.

Ingrid and Kearny were on their feet in a second, Felicia was using her iPad and had to be reminded to stand. Everyone all sat down when the President did.

“Tell me all about your Cube Case, agents. I can’t believe this, a group of foreign students blindly put weapons in space? Did it really happen? Couldn’t happen, could it?” she seemed to be thinking aloud before reading something in front of her and growing alarmed. “American-made robots thwarting a plot by German extremists? Hijacking armed Predator drones? All by themselves? I don’t believe it. That’s not a hacker’s parlor trick, that’s an act of war. Somebody, some government did this. Maybe disinformation. Trying to make me look bad. Start a war.” Harrison rattled on. These ideas giving her the fantods.

Foley Steps Up
Foley could not help noticing how the President spoke. Short phrases addressed to some wider audience other than those in the room, odd because no reporters or cameras were allowed anywhere near this secret conference. Force of habit she assumed.

Though nervous she didn’t hesitate to begin. “FBI Special Agent Felicia Foley, Madam President. Uh, President Harrison. I’m a neighbor here in DC. I grew up on Fairmont Street, Pleasant Plains, near Howard.”

“Pleasure to meet you Special Agent Foley. I discovered Georgia Avenue during law school. Director Hatcher mentioned you. Former Marine who moved from the forensics lab to the field, uncommon choice at the Bureau.” The President glaring at first but somewhat subdued as she spoke. “Why do we need a school janitor to solve a problem with AI algorithms?” The President boiling key ideas about the case down to a roux. “Who’s the Agent In-Charge?”

“That would be Special Agent Dumas, Madam President. Assisting her are Dr. Vritti Sahasranama, Anna Murnau and Jerry Nelson. All former team members assisting the investigation, Madam President. They’ll soon be joining us by a secure video link,” Barry explained.

Space-based Microfabs
“I’m Dumas, Madam President.” Ingrid offered, her answer sounding funny, “We’re talking about experiments testing the feasibility of 3 nanometer microchip fabs in space. Biden Administration even provided some funding with the Chip Act. A promising idea when most advanced fabs were in Taiwan or Korea. More are coming online in Arizona and New Mexico.”

“Sounds like a good experiment. Somebody’s gonna make a lot of money from these cubes,” The President speculated. “hopefully not as space weapons. How about switching them over to discovering new cures or growing food, anything but setting off bombs.”

Felicia stepped in, “Professor Gernsback initially turned down funding from defense contractors. His students insisted. They wanted to explore possibilities for Microchip Fabrication with zero-G forces. AI was added so the experiments could figure out problems without human intervention. We explored this angle in interviews with the team. These new developments are not approved design changes.”

“AI, why’d they add that? So unpredictable…and drop the Madam,” Harrison insisted. “President is fine. Hold your thoughts, Foley. Finish what you were saying, Agent Dumas.”

Robots Designing Robots
“Artificial intelligence was essential. Future microchip fabs, in space may need to run autonomously. The students incorporated AI so the cubes could learn to become more efficient. Maybe even repair themselves. Robots designing better robots.”

“Interesting and frightening when you put it in those terms, Dumas. Government funding went into building these things and now we’re trying to prevent a catastrophe. I can’t wrap my head around this crisis. We need to cover more ground and my time is limited.”

“In the course of learning about the team,” Ingrid continued, “we discovered an additional presence throughout the project, Jonah Gernsback, nephew of the professor in-charge. Working inside, as a janitor, he may have tampered with his uncle’s science project. Agent Foley tracked him to a homeless camp. Living rough under a bridge in Cambridge.”

“Nonsense!” President Harrison blurted out. “How does someone savvy enough to program robots end up homeless these days? Unemployed troll under bridge changes human history? I can’t see that headline. More like a fairy tale.”

“Many people without access to housing have a high school education, plus military training, President.” Felicia could not resist correcting. “They live under bridges to stay dry. This person wasn’t unemployed, he worked as the lab’s janitor. Dr. Yoon, the Physics chair, has known Jonah for years.”

Harrison turned her intense gaze towards Foley. “Homeless while his uncle worked as a professor? A friend of the department chair? Remind me, who and where is the real professor?”

“Professor Hugo Gernsback, ma’am.” Dumas knew the Professor wasn’t coming back from Alzheimer’s, she couldn’t legally talk about his condition. “I met him briefly. He suffers from dementia. His caregivers insist he’s not well-enough to take questions at this time.”

“To be clear, the professor was committed to the Massachusetts State Hospital in Tewksbury more than a year ago. He suffers from Alzheimer’s.” Felicia clarified. “The cubes weren’t launched until 6 months later. Team members admit Jonah helped bridge the knowledge gap. Suspect visited his ailing uncle every month, until we started poking around.”

Three More
“Three members of the Cube Project team are now available remotely to answer questions, Madam President.” National Security Advisor Barry explained gesturing towards a large display bearing the frowning faces of Anna, Vritti, the title Dr. Jerrold Nelson and two serious White House lawyers. “Dr. Anna Murnau, Dr. Vritti Sahasranama, Dr. Jerry Nelson who’s quarantining and White House Counsel — ”

“I know my lawyers, John.” The President interrupted, “Thank you all for attending. Other members of this cube team too busy to attend?” President Harrison asserting herself, “A matter of National Security? Ring them up, I’ll talk to them myself.”

“Two others responded in Japan and Korea. Doctors Sakai and Koh. Koh is disabled. They couldn’t make today’s meeting, might make Raven Rock.” Foley updating her scowling Commander-in-Chief. “Three others declined, citing employer restrictions or health reasons. The remaining team members have not responded to multiple inquiries.”

“Let’s begin with you, Dr. Nelson. I’m President Harrison. I appreciate your cooperation under the circumstances. Where are you right now? Why can’t we see you?”

Under The Weather
The weary face of the Jamaican programmer filled half the screen, dreadlocks piled high, eyes watery, “Hello Madam President, I’m Dr. Jerrold Nelson. I’m quarantining in my condo near the Presidio. Had video off ’cause I’m congested.”

“Appreciated, Dr. Nelson, please keep your camera on for one moment, so we all get a visual.”

Jerry turned the selfie cam off after a moment, replacing it with an image of the Golden Gate Bridge and his name. Everyone heard a cough before he tapped mute.

“Quarantine for what?” President Harrison continued.

“COVID-19, Omicron variant. Tested positive 5 days ago, Madam President.”

“Sorry to hear that.” She responded less than sincerely, then went straight to business. “Turn your camera back on. Who do you work for Doctor Nelson?”

“I work for a subcontractor on a project in Cupertino. Ma’am.”

“Nice building.”

“What building, Ma’am? The contractor I work for is based in Cambridge.”

“That Apple HQ, looks like a spaceship.”

“I’ve never been there. Don’t work there. I work someplace else. Mada — ” Jerry coughed again.

“OK, never mind. What do you do for Apple?”

“Like I said, I don’t work for them. My client happens to have offices in Cupertino. My employer is CodeSys, a temp firm for gig workers. I’m not authorized to discuss our work, Madam President. PR owns that. I can say I was hired for my ability to create applications that control automation.” Jerry reciting the job listing.

“Understood. I’m sure you signed NDAs. You can control robots, how convenient. We have out-of-control robots. How about sharing your thoughts with Agent Foley here? I’d like you to answer her questions.”

“Be glad to. Agent Foley and I spoke yesterday. Thank you, Madam President.” Jerry said, after coughing. A dragonfly landed on his shoulder.

Foley wasted no time, “Dr. Nelson, what do you think has gone wrong with the nanotech experiments you and the rest of the Cube team created?”

“Oh, the team didn’t create nanotech, Agent Foley, not hardly. It’s been around for years. I was the lead on iPhone app development, not the physics stuff. Designed an app to control cube activity: printing, sharing, and assembly. I worked on app updates too.” Two more dragonflies landed on him.

Software Update
“What’s with all the dragonflies?” Foley had to ask.

“No idea, can’t keep them out. Started coming around months ago. They don’t bother anything.”

“That’s good. We need your help, Jerry. You wrote the Cube Comm and Controller apps, correct?” Foley hot on the trail of another possible suspect.

“Updates were a team effort, Lee and Ming helped. Ichirō, Lexy, and Rena, too. But, yea, I was lead.”

“When did you last work on the software update, those specs you gave to Professor Gernsback, in the big, white binder?”

“Specs in a big binder? The only code we actually printed out were the Cubesat mods. Back when the Professor was still leading us. Hugo wanted a printout to sell the cubesat concept to potential investors. I gave it to Dr. Lee after he said Professor Gernsback asked for them…during a hospital visit.”

“Cubesat? Where they would be full-fledged satellites, not simply compiling data? With rocket engines to change position?”

“Yup, they’re called plasma or ion drives. Money wasn’t there, project budget way short. Professor never did find more funding, after turning down the Pentagon.”

“Too bad. Excellent information, Jerry,” She added noticing Anna and Vritti nodding agreement. “Until we get in touch with the others we’ll need to lean heavily on your expertise, your knowledge of these iPhone apps. Are you up to it?”

“Sure, my symptoms are mild so far. Home test still positive this morning…” Another dry cough slipped out before mute.

“We understand, Jerry.” President Harrison said. “Hope you get better soon. Regarding this Cube Controller app — can you help us regain control over the cubes? Maybe write a new update? They seem to have stepped out of bounds. It’s not a science project anymore, the cubes are a real threat. By the way, that’s not something I want anybody in this room sharing.”

“You know when Vritti first texted me about this, I thought, No way. We locked up their systems tight, couldn’t imagine how somebody hacked ’em. I’ll be glad to help any way I can. It’s important to remember we designed the cubes to be autonomous. There’s no way to remotely control the 3D printers and assemblers.”

“That’s disappointing, Jerry. Why not?” Harrison asked.

“Cybersecurity. Keep hackers out. No need for external input to print the same parts over and over. Someone aboard ISS could unlock the cubes and shut them off. It ruins the printheads, but it can be done.”

“Excellent, do you know the correct Unlock codes?” Foley seeking specifics.

“Vritti asked me that yesterday. Only what’s on the label.”

“Got it. I know you’re not feeling well but try to stay on the line for the remainder of this meeting. Do you still have any contact with the others?” Foley remembered to ask.

“I chat online with Dr. Lee and Rena, occasionally.”

“Rena Sakai in Japan and Dr. Lee, now at KAIST?”

“Yup. He’s using nanotech with bees. For pollination.”

“Great news Jerry! Start a new chat with them now, explore this issue. They’re flying here.”

“Will do. Rena can come, but not Koh. Too weak to travel far. You should go see him in person.”

The Third Cube
President Harrison turned her focus to the other cube designers. Vritti, caught her attention. “Help me understand, Professor why your experiment hijacked an Indian satellite? You’re from South India, correct? I understand you still teach at the school.”

“Yes. I realize the satellite involved is GSAT-6A, which belongs to ISRO. I’ve never worked for the Indian space program although another member of the original team, Harikiran Sarkar currently does. I teach applied physics, Madam President. I have a lecture this afternoon, same topic taught by Professor Gernsback.” Vritti establishing her bona fides.

“Share your insight into what these cubes are doing.”

“Cube experiment went unfunded and therefore unmonitored. This was after the Professor got sick. He left quickly, there was no time for a contingency plan. With no more money in the budget, Dr. Yoon told me to stop working on it.” Vritti clarified. “Jonah was the only one paying any attention.”

National Security Advisor Barry was already starting a call.

How Nanobots Escaped
The President turned her attention to the screen with Anna’s face on it. “As I understand it Doctor Murnau, you and your co-workers spent the day enjoying yourselves where these extremists intended to detonate their explosives.”

“It was a traditional holiday. We had no idea. Agent Dumas provided few details. Not enough to explain how the cubes could’ve known how and where to detonate those bombs.”

“The triggers were burner phones; the bomb maker has admitted.” Foley offered. “Telco records show Cube2 used FaceTime. We’re working with German authorities to learn more.”

“Too easy. Good work, Foley. With all due respect Murnau, I’ve heard nanotubes are hazmat, too hot to handle.”

“Ja and no, President Harrison. Nano-anything needs to be stored and used carefully. Nanoparticles could poison people, inadvertently, if they got loose. In space this is less of a problem, we think. In any event, our cubes were designed to be a closed system.”

“They have tubes running between them called umbilicals. I’ve seen pictures.”

“That’s correct. Each cube prints and assembles different types of nanoscale microchips. Chips are shared between all 3 cubes through shielded hoses, again, a closed system. There was never a breach in those clear tubes until the astronauts decided to move the cubes outside ISS and failed to reconnect or cap the hoses. Cube3 had no cube left to connect to. This is probably how the nanobots got out and consumed most of Bigelow.”

“Cube3 never overheated or caused any known damage inside ISS.” Foley recounted.

“So far. Cube3 is now called Tycho.” Anna instructed, “It finally updated like the others.”

“Can they fly down to earth? Ride a SpaceX down?” The President asked. “They’re capable of extreme violence from up there, we know that.”

“No. Unintended destruction of something nearby, perhaps.” Vritti added. “Deliberate violence? I must disagree. There are deontological constraints built in. They’re programmed to follow Asimov’s Rules…”

“Modified themselves to create swarms of nanobots,” Foley took over. “Someone trained them. We don’t know how. Why couldn’t they toss Rules for Robots?”

Bot Jargon
“Yesterday I looked at an important file on the lab iMac.” Vritti revealed, “It’s called Intbotcom. Buried deep, it’s an archive of Satbot internal communication. An incredible read. They started using their own pseudo-military/techno-speak. Each cube now builds specialized bots and shares the result. Tycho comes across as a rapid prototype architect. Que is a communicator. Uno is the data cruncher, like a quant at brokerage houses. They share nanobot replication.”

“Back in the lab, you know, we developed a unique language for the Cubes.” Anna explained. “Special terms for chip assembly. They use it to control 3D printers. There was a lot of discussion between us about what commands to include. There wasn’t enough memory in the first two cubes for all the printer functions, so we pared down the list. Now there’s 100s of new commands.”

“I can answer that,” Vritti offered, “During training in the lab, the cubes listened and learned, like babies. Arguments between team members might’ve ended up in their memory, like children might recall parents fighting.”

“What’s your point, Vritti?” Foley getting unpleasant flashbacks.

“There’s this thing called the Sapir–Whorf Hypothesis that suggests the structure of a language determines and influences thoughts or behaviors of those speaking it. The team may have inadvertently taught the cubes to be combative.”

“Ouch. I’m guessing you always completed your school homework, Vritti.” President Harrison observed. “I thought you said these nanobots don’t think for themselves, they’re like bees?”

“Nanobots themselves are only building blocks. Satbots may be forming swarms.”

Vritti could see her statement made the President uncomfortable.

All conference screens went blank before displaying “Poor Connection.” It never came back.

“Swarms! My god! Leave it off, I have another meeting. Where are the other team members? We keep coming back to the people that created and might still control these mechanical monsters.” The President mused. “Dumas, we need the cooperation of everyone on that team or else they’re suspect. Speak to them.”

“Understood. NASA, Russian space controllers, and ESA originally requested Bureau assistance with locating the scientists responsible for the overheating science project. Locating the original Cube team, the grad students who designed, assembled and programmed the Cubes, has not been easy. Most live overseas. There are two, Jerry and Vritti, here in the US, a third, Doctor Murnau who was on today’s call, arrives from Germany in the morning. I’m picking Anna and Vritti from Dulles for a meeting at Raven Rock.”

“General Kearny spoke to me about it. I’ll try to listen in. Get those two thinking during the drive up. What about the third term member?”

“That’s Jerry. Dr. Nelson. We just spoke with him. He’ll be flying here after he completes quarantine and tests negative.”

Disaster Averted
“Make sure Dr. Nelson attends the Raven Rock meeting on a secure line. He can control robots.” Barry reminded. “We need to know more about how these cubes were able to thwart a bombing in Germany. The German Cube team member, Dr. Murnau, what was her role in cube development? She was helpful today, we need to know more about her.”

“She’s a Biomedical Engineer working in the family business in Germany. Her father studied under Professor Gernsback. Her business is beginning to integrate nanotech in medical equipment. Anna can help get everyone up to speed. Doesn’t seem to know what went wrong with the cubes. I can’t imagine the bombers connected the dots to her.” Ingrid explained.

“NASA says Dr. Sahasranama has been helpful. She’s an adjunct professor teaching Gernsback’s nanotech course.” Foley added.

Now it was Ingrid’s turn to salvage any negative impression of her case. “We’re doing everything possible at the Bureau, working with State, to bring the rest of the students back to their lab in Cambridge. Each country has questions and concerns. We expect to have more answers in a few days, President.”

“Diplomacy falls to me, I’ll agree,” President Harrison warming to this pair. Make sure Barry gets that list of the Cube Project team members before you leave today. How many are we talking about?”

“Ten, well, eleven but one team member got booted.”

“Who was that?”

“Sokurov, Dr. Alexis Sokurov. Now lives in St. Petersburg.”

“Could hold a grudge. Look into it. We’ll make formal requests of each country. Send jets to fetch them if you need to. I want answers now!” The President bellowed orders but looked more confused than ever. She stood up. “I need to get something to eat. This thing is growing into an international incident, and I want more answers, especially from the professor or his squad, pronto, in a day or less,” She looked at Barry, her National Security Advisor, “John, we need to identify the nation in-control of this cubes. Somebody get our Russian space program liaison on the horn. Thank you all for coming today.” The President said before leaving the room, Secret Service in tow.

Silence again, broken only by some paper shuffling. Finally, Barry spoke. “Thank you, you two, you were excellent. Let’s get that homeless Professor in custody and more dialog with those students.”

Felicia could not help thinking it wasn’t a person or nation controlling the cubes at all.

  • *******
  • Thank you for reading this chapter from my trilogy, Can You Love a Nanobot? The entire book can be found here:
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Thomas Humphrey Williams
Writer for

Science fiction author and beekeeper. Prepare to discover the universe through the eyes of superintelligent nanobots and bees. It's one vision of our future.