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Climate Change Is About To Bite The 1%

The hypocritical European Central Bank sounds the alarm.

Will Lockett
Published in
6 min readJul 7, 2023


How dependent on our ecology is our economy? This is a question the European Central Bank (ECB) set out to answer in a recent report. Why? Well, This is key to understanding how the looming climate catastrophe will impact billions of dollars worth of investments, lucrative businesses and the entire financial system. Central banks want to keep the status quo going strong through our self-made apocalypse, and they need to start preparing for it now. So, they were shocked when they found that nearly 75% of European bank loans depend on a healthy ecosystem. So, to protect their assets and the Eurozone (countries that use the Euro as currency), they have hypocritically joined the chorus of voices calling for the protection of nature from the ravages of humanity. But why is this hypocritical? Who does this really affect? And will it help us save the planet?

Let’s start off with whom the ECB is and what they do. The ECB is a central bank, much like the Bank of England or the Federal Reserve, but for the entire Eurozone. This means they set the monetary policy of the 20 countries that use the Euro and are charged with safeguarding the financial stability of this system.



Will Lockett

Independent journalist covering global politics, climate change and technology. Get articles early at