Climate Change Will Herald the Age of Island Cities

Glen Hendrix
Published in
5 min readMay 1, 2019


Maybe you haven’t heard of the Seasteading Institute. Their idea is to create ocean-going island cities with separate laws and governance from the rest of the world; more for sociopolitical reasons than practical. Little do they know they are ahead of the curve on what will be a major trend in the future.

Accurate ice core readings now show the atmosphere has more CO2, way more, than at any time in the past 800,000 years. Less accurate, but 95% reliable, are studies showing the last time CO2 levels were this high was during the Miocene 15 million years ago. As our world heats up due to the unrelenting rise in atmospheric CO2 levels, it will begin to resemble the Miocene era.

You will find arguments that since average temperatures were much higher (5–8 degrees Centigrade higher) along with sea levels (130 feet higher) during the Miocene, there is no correlation with our current situation since we are not seeing those conditions. Those CO2 changes in the Miocene took place over a period of thousands of years. Ours has taken place over just the last 250 years.

If climate change were a light bulb, we have flipped the switch and are living in that geological microsecond the bulb filament is glowing a faint red. We are wondering why the light does not come on, but it did. It will get brighter at it’s geological…

