Coca-Cola Unveils the Future of Soft Drinks

How soft drinks will be consumed in a coronavirus struck world?

Shantnu & Kartik


While some run against time to make a corona-virus free world, Coca-Cola innovates to make peace and enjoy your drinks in a pandemic struck world.

The latest offering comes in the form of a smartphone-controlled contact-less fountain experience for its customers.

The update is part of the Coca-Cola freestyle; a touch-screen fountain experience introduced by the company in 2009.

Coca-Cola freestyle
(Image Source:

In simple terms, it allows anyone with a smartphone to pour a drink or pre-mixes by holding up their smartphone camera which auto-scans the QR code, immediately connecting to the cloud and prompts the Coca- Cola freestyle user interface with all available drinks.

The Coca-Cola team built this feature developing upon the operating system launched by the company in 2019 with a simple ideology in mind, ‘no one wants to download an app with a food-tray in their hand.’

Studies by Civic Science have indicated that almost 60% of the users prefer to self- pour their drinks and more than 40% feel safer while…



Shantnu & Kartik

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