Why and how should I publish on Predict?

Eric Martin
Published in
4 min readJul 19, 2018


Dear Writer,

(see our Start Here page for an introduction to Predict and a way to start exploring our content)

[The quick way to become a writer for Predict (from below): Email us at predictstories@gmail.com with your Medium username and that you want to be a writer for us, and we’ll make you a writer for us. After we make you a writer for us, submit articles/stories to Predict at any time using the steps shown at this link, and we’ll decide whether we want to publish it. You can submit new or old stories to Predict, but please don’t republish the same story twice on Medium, as that violates their rules. When submitting an old story to Predict, if accepted it will move off of its previous publication and onto the Predict publication, or if it isn’t currently on a publication it will reside on Predict going forward. Being on a publication means “more exposure,” so why not do it?]

Now is the time to launch an open publication dedicated to the future. In fact, it’s overdue. What is an open publication? It’s one where anyone can submit an article, regardless of credentials, popularity, and writing experience.

The future is not written merely by an elite class of salaried journalists and Ivy League freelancers, it’s written by you. Gone are the days when money, prestige, or power are needed to change the world.

A reminder from “What is Predict?”:

We welcome common futurism topics such as artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), quantum computing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, medicine, self-driving cars, flying cars, robotics, automation, cryptocurrencies, computer-body interfaces, and living on Mars. We also try to answer how these and other technologies and innovations will impact our lives, our work, our health, and our society.

You can change the world wielding only your phone or computer by writing out an idea. That idea about the future may become implemented by you or anyone else in the world, to change the world. Or your idea can spark another idea in someone’s mind and that idea goes on to change the world. Publishing an idea could spark another published idea that then sparks an idea that is implemented, and so on. Ideas spark new ideas, and by publishing your ideas you are making the great Earth-encompassing wildfire of ideas even stronger.

Putting your story on Predict is a way for all of us future thinkers to collectively increase the exposure of our ideas by joining forces in some way. We will not agree with everything written here, but we also accept that we might be wrong and they might be right. Whether it’s about tomorrow or the year 3000, we want your thoughts about the future.

Predict wants to publish ideas about the future. Even if you think your idea isn’t a great idea: please submit it, because the world might disagree.

To become a writer for Predict: Email us at predictstories@gmail.com with your Medium username and that you want to be a writer for us, and we’ll make you a writer for us. After we make you a writer for us, submit articles/stories to Predict at any time using the steps shown at this link, and we’ll decide whether we want to publish it. You can submit new or old stories to us, but please don’t republish the same story twice on Medium, as that violates their rules. When submitting an old story to Predict, if accepted it will move off of its previous publication and onto the Predict publication, or if it isn’t currently on a publication it will reside on Predict going forward. Being on a publication means “more exposure,” so why not do it?

  • It’s up to you whether you want your story behind Medium’s paywall or not, and you can change that setting at any time. Any earnings are yours just like if the article weren’t part of a publication.
  • You can also remove a story from our publication at any time and even resubmit it later, I don’t mind.
  • You may edit your story if you need to: it always remains 100% your story.
  • I generally like to avoid spiritual predictions on Predict (but spiritual commentary alongside a separate prediction can be fine). It may seem counterintuitive but the predictions here are more technological in nature, and Predict is more about logically thinking about the future, rather than trying to ascertain from something supernatural what the future is. I am sometimes flexible, though, so if you’re not sure feel free to submit it and we’ll see.

I recently went through and checked the top 100 non-paywalled articles across Medium at https://medium.com/topic/popular. Only 20 of the top 100 articles on Medium are not in publications, the other 80 are in a publication. Why not give yourself an 80% chance of top article success, at least if history keeps repeating itself, instead of a 20% chance?

“The Best Way To Predict The Future Is To Create It.” This goes both ways. In some cases, by predicting the future you are creating it.


Eric Martin, founder of Predict

Most important person at Predict: A. S. Deller, editor-in-chief of Predict

