Cosmic Games

The Human Experience

Afam Agu


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Tony wakes up in a dimly lit room disoriented and confused.

He struggles to recall how he got there, but as his eyes adjust, he notices other men in different corners of the room.

They approach him to check if he’s okay and asked him what he remembered.

Tony recounts being abducted by a UFO and sees that the other men have similar stories.

However, one man, Segun, believes they’ve been taken up by angels and that it was the end of days.

Stephen, who has a military background, is convinced that they are part of a black project aircraft and that they have been caught in a clandestine operation.

After what seems like an eternity, the walls of the room suddenly started to shimmer, turning transparent.

A blinding light flooded the room, forcing them to shield their eyes.

As their eyes adjust, they are stunned.

Before them is the impossible — floating buildings, all manner of UFOs, and sky-high buildings in odd shapes. An alien city!

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As the men gaze ahead in awe, a voice suddenly brakes out in the room, ‘Welcome home gentlemen.’

The men are bewildered, considering they were abducted on earth.

“Perhaps the voice was addressing others on the ship, not us,” said Tony.

“In English? I don’t think so. It is talking to us. Get ready, we are charging through once the door opens,” Stephen responded.

“Paradise! We made it! We’re in Heaven! Hallelujah!” Segun exclaims.

“Not quite,” the voice replied, a hint of amusement in its tone.

It then began calling out names — Elstephanus, Elantonius, Elvictoris — names that tasted alien on their tongues.

“You are from Pueri-El,” it announced, “and this is your home. You chose to experience the simulation of being human.

Your current bodies are biotech avatars designed to help you fit into planet Blue-03.

You have been returned at your families’ request.”

The men stared, minds grappling with the revelation. Their lives a mere simulation?

“Lie down,” the voice instructed, “your real bodies are about to be woken.”

Hesitantly, they obeyed, all except Stephen. He stood defiant, eyes narrowed.

“Public address trickery won’t fool me,” he growled, cursing their naivety.

Then, a blink, and his body went rigid, eyes rolling back, collapsing like a felled tree.

One by one, the others followed, consciousness slipping away.

They awoke to a symphony of unfamiliar sensations, a dozen new senses flooding their beings.

Real bodies, real lives.

Memories flooded back, vivid and detailed.

It had only been days since they chose “Earth” from hundreds of simulation options, yet it felt like a lifetime.

Time itself seemed to bend and stretch, alien in its fluidity.

Tony’s door open, and a familiar figure walked in. His wife, her face etched with concern.

He realized then how much he missed her, how every moment away felt like an eternity.

She wasn’t amused, however, her expression betraying her disapproval of his recent “fictional fascination.”

Tony laughed a deep, bubbling laugh.

He had been on a journey more incredible than he could have imagined, and he couldn’t wait to return for more.

Mr. & Mrs. Elantonius:

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Experience the dramatized version on YouTube now — a visual journey awaits. Don’t miss out, click here:



Afam Agu
Writer for

Writer Penning journeys through Science, Philosophy, Fiction, and Life.