Could This Start-Up Soon Be Contacting Aliens Using DMT?

How a powerful hallucinogen could facilitate contact with extraterrestrial life forms — or not.

Tristan Wolff


Image created by the author & Midjourney

I know this sounds like straight out of a Joe Rogan podcast, but hear me out!

A Colorado-based start-up company plans to use the powerful hallucinogen DMT to send people into so-called “hyperspace” in order to find out what’s behind the “alien encounters” that are consistently triggered by the drug.

Yea, right? However, unlike Joe Rogan’s pseudo-intellectual ramblings about “brains as antennae to other dimensions”, the project is actually supposed to proceed according to scientific criteria and has applied for FDA approval.

In this article, I want to share with you the fascinating story behind “DMT aliens” and why it could lead to a scientific breakthrough, even if we don’t end up contacting aliens via a hallucinogenic portal.

But then, that could happen!

(find more info about how to enroll in this experiment at the end of this article).

Wait, What’s DMT Again?

You probably heard of Ayahuasca, the brew made from a mixture of plants, that has been used in South America for centuries, probably for…

