The Texan Finally Goes Home

Britin McCarter
3 min readJul 7, 2020


Photo by Adam Thomas on Unsplash

I was born and raised in Texas. Although I live in Missouri, my roots are in Texas. A saying in Texas is “go big or go home.” Normally I live up to this saying. Striving to go big. However, I’ve recently found myself going home. How is someone supposed to go big when they can’t do anything other than sit in a chair and count the hours? I’ve filled my time with entertainment but my full potential is lacking in that I can’t give my full potential. Normally I would be overloading classes to fast track my degree or getting a summer job to get some extra cash. I had already planned to do so. Then COVID came. Making it hard to accomplish anything. So this is how the Texan Finally Goes Home.

I started the year at college. I was doing great and having a good time. My social life was nice and I had friends that I hung out with every day. COVID not only put a stop to this but also cut me off my social life entirely. I’ve found it extremely difficult to communicate at all. The most I can do is send a lousy text and hope it springs up a conversation. Also, what exactly are we gonna talk about when all that’s going on is COVID. This was known to be a side effect of COVID, but it still sucks. It’s like trying to play basketball without arms. Extremely frustrating. So with this fallback, all I can do is go home. How am I gonna go big socially? I can’t.

The second consequence of COVID is my schooling. When I was in college I was dual-enrolled and taking about 24 hours of classes. When COVID came around, I found it extremely more difficult to have this many classes. It was harder to balance my daily life from my college life. Because of this, next semester I will have to cut down on my hours and increase my time in college. Although moving to a normal college schedule, my ability to fast track and go big is greatly diminished. Because of this, I have to go home.

The last issue that has come from COVID is my ability to work. Last year I had a summer job and saved money up for college and fun activities. However, the rise of COVID has made working unappealing. A direct consequence of this is that I’m not saving money. So my fun, as well as my college fund, suffers.

So it’s extremely hard to accomplish anything currently. The most I can do is write for Medium and do a few college courses. I have filled my time with other activities such as gaming, housework, and getting a dog. However, this is very little compared to what I used to do. So this Texan is going home.

