COVID Is the Best Thing That Happened in 2020

In the not too distant future, we may look at 2020 with gratitude.

Luca Rossi


Photo by Macau Photo Agency on Unsplash

Do you know what’s worse than having writer’s block? Having so many ideas that they paralyze you and you end up writing nothing. That’s what happened to me in the past two months.

I had the idea of writing this story one month ago, when two things happened. First, I read the book Antifragile by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, and I recommend you read it as well if you can withstand the author’s cockiness. Second, I read the Italian interview from La Repubblica with Biden’s adviser Michael Osterholm, who said that the next pandemic will be worse. Well, they call him “Bad News Mike”, but he is sadly right.

Then it hit me: that’s what I should talk about. That’s what we should all be talking about. It’s happening right now, and we are all wondering when we will get the vaccine or take off our masks or going back to having nothing to talk about with our barbers. But we fail to see the big picture.

If there is one thing that all of humanity seems to agree on, is that 2020 sucked.

It’s not that I disagree, but I’m convinced that the 2020 suckiness was a price worth paying for less sucky years in the prospect. COVID isn’t a curse, it’s a blessing.



Luca Rossi
Writer for

I am not a duck. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either lying or selling something.