Crash of the TITAN

The hard truth about stable coins that no one talks about

Coffee Tea Investment


Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash

100% guaranteed profits…
You can 10x your money in no time…
This is too big to fail…

Sounds familiar? If this isn’t one of those guru’s mantras from ads or investment thesis that you might have come across via social media platforms, you must be living in the wrong century. To some extent, there’s a layer of truth in some of the information that’s readily available out there at a click of the mouse; it’s POSSIBLE to make such levels of returns and it’s TRUE that some of the analysis actually uncovers gemstones. However, what lies beneath that is indeed shocking.

So before we go on, just to make it clear, I’m super optimistic about blockchain technology and the benefits it could potentially bring to our society as a whole. You can check out this video here on our thoughts on blockchain with a comparison to NFTs.

Back to the topic, the truth about stablecoins is that there’s no certainty in which they are stable or not, or at least to a certain extent.

A stablecoin is defined as a class of cryptocurrencies that attempts to offer price stability and are backed by a reserve asset, which we would classify generally as fiat and cryptocurrency (though there’re



Coffee Tea Investment

Inflation first, full employment second | Singapore-based