DeepMind AI Predicts Protein Structure

DeepMind’s Alphafold 2 system predicts protein structure from sequence data with an accuracy that rivals experimental methods.

Gunnar De Winter


The hemoglobin (HBE1) protein (Wikimedia commons, Emw)

Challenge accepted

If you are even remotely interested in science, you will have probably already heard about DeepMind’s latest leap. Their AI system Alphafold 2 has cracked predicting proteins’ 3D structure.

There are plenty of great articles about it. (For example, at Nature, New Scientist, and of course on the DeepMind blog itself.)

Since I have written about machine learning/AI in an earlier series of posts , I decided to write a brief post about this development as well. (The previous posts I am referring to: general science and art, but also more specifically in historical research, genetic enhancement, mental health, aging research (including the development of ‘aging clocks’), video game ecology, Hollywood, astrobiology, epidemiology, stock markets, and the job market)

For more details, do check the Nature/New Scientist/DeepMind articles linked above.

To the story.

Starting in 1994, every two years a ‘contest’ has been organized for modeling methods to predict the 3D structure of proteins. The latest…

