Allosaurs Fossil — Pixabay

Did A Meteorite Really Wipe Out The Dinosaurs?

Did a giant space rock kill off the dinosaurs? Or was it something else?


We all know the story by now. 66 million years ago a giant space rock crashed into what would one day become Mexico, causing a global catastrophe that would end the reign of some of the most impressive animals to ever live, the Dinosaurs. Well, the Dinosaurs, Pterosaurs, Mosasaurs and Plesiosaurs - in total 75% of the worlds species came to an end on that fateful day. Or did they?

While we know for sure that this impact happened, in recent years, scientists have found evidence to say that this meteorite isn’t the sole event that wiped out these magnificent creatures. So if it wasn’t a day of cosmic death from above that did it, what did?

Well truth be told, it looks like that last few million years of the Dinosaurs rule were pretty tough. They may have gone out with more of a whimper than a bang as they were near death before the meteorite hit. But, Dinosaurs may have survived for longer than previously thought.

So where do we start? How about some gigantic volcanoes!

66.25 million years ago, a few hundred thousand years before the meteorite hit, the Earth witnessed some of the largest volcanic activity in its’ history. This activity wasn’t…



Will Lockett

Independent journalist covering global politics, climate change and technology. Get articles early at