Disclosure Now
Humanity’s Future Depends on it.
It’s time for people around the world to wake up to the undeniable fact that there are others here with us. These others use our genetic material, collect our water and mine certain minerals that exist on our planet in abundance.
As our science and technology has advanced, we now know that space travel at speeds faster than light is entirely possible, and also that dimensional worlds outside of our ability to see and interact with exist. We comprehend that time travel is there for the taking since the past, present and future, according to some physicists, all exist together.
This knowledge combined with the fact that there are billions of habitable planets in our known galaxy, never mind all the other ones throughout the entire universe, demonstrates undeniably that there is no way that we are alone. Especially when you consider how old the Universe is and that there are bound to be species in it that have evolved and exceeded us in both general knowledge, and in technology and science.
I have studied abduction literature comprehensively and I have no doubt that these space-faring species who are involved in human abductions are biological, and in a godlike way much more powerful and knowledgeable than we are. Their skills include advanced genetic modification and new species creation, mind to mind communication, bi-location, telekinesis, healing, time travel to the past and future, levitation, materialization and de-materialization of physical objects, and much more.
I believe that we humans also possess similar paranormal (I prefer supernormal) powers ourselves, but they are presently latent in most of us. Think of shamans and extraordinary human beings like Jesus and Buddha, and you’ll quickly come to the realization that with enough time and the right mindset we too can become superhuman.
If you add to this the recent testimony that has been coming out of the national security state. Information that is from entirely credible sources such as military personnel who tell us with authority that the US government and other governments around the world are in possession of craft and bodies from off planet, then that clinches the case.
Abductees who have had direct contact with these visitors explain that there is one overriding message they bring. That message is that our civilization will not survive if we do not stop the rising effects of climate change immediately. In common parlance that means it is a highly probable that we are on the road to self-extinction. The images they have shown to abductees of what it will be like in the future are not pleasant to say the least.
In addition to this message, these visitors have proved they will not tolerate us destroying our planet with nuclear weapons. Many credible stories exist of how they hover over facilities that contain nuclear weapons in Russia, China and America, and turn their launch capabilities on and off.
The stories from hundreds of thousands of human abductees who have had contact with these others, give me some hope that they are for the most part, and within our anthropomorphic understanding, somewhat well meaning towards the human race.
After going through incredibly traumatic experiences in which they were taken without their permission into spacecraft and had genetic material forcibly removed from them, abductees and experiencers were returned safely to their homes. Many of them had their memories softened to make it easier for them to integrate what seemed impossible into their everyday lives. In addition, many of them were completely changed. They became more pro-social, compassionate, less fearful and much more caring of our planet.
If this is what our planetary neighbors can achieve by using their extraordinary influence over us, then I believe we badly need them right now. That is why we must have disclosure from them as well as our own governments immediately.
We already have proof that they have already interacted with millions of us, so it’s time to send a unified message back to them, and ask if they are willing to work officially with us in a way that will save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom.
To practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbors, and to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and to employ international machinery for the promotion of the spiritual, economic and social advancement of all peoples.
In fact I believe we are in desperate need of their participation with a United group of all our Nations so that we can successfully continue our human evolution further, develop our superhuman/spiritual capabilities, and passionately protect this exquisitely beautiful, blue, water planet we have been blessed to live on.
I am a science fiction writer who has just completed a five book science fiction series that will be published over the next few years. The first book The Burning Years that focuses on climate change and bio-engineering can currently be purchased from Amazon. The second book Homo Deus that focuses on genetic manipulation and clean energy, whose cover image you see above, will be published in March 2025.
In a significant development for UFO disclosure advocates, a joint congressional hearing titled “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Exposing the Truth” is scheduled for November 13, 2024, at 11:30 AM ET. The hearing, to be held in Room 2154 of the Rayburn House Office Building, brings together two crucial subcommittees: the Subcommittee on Cybersecurity Information Technology and Government Innovation, and the Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs. Here is how you can help.
The appropriate path forward is clear. We want transparency no matter the consequences. And the tool for this is on hand, i.e. the UAP Disclosure Act (UAPDA), a proposed amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025. This bill is the most significant legislative effort yet to address the UAP secrecy problem. The UAPDA would establish a comprehensive framework for collecting, reviewing, and disclosing government records related to UAP. However, it is highly improbable at this point that the UAPDA, in part or its entirety, will become law this year. Nevertheless, the UAPDA is a map for moving ahead, and Congress must take up similar legislation in the next session in January 2025. And for Congress to act, it will require all our voices to demand an end to the deception.
Here is an excellent video that explains the history of UFO/UAP and what we need to do as citizens to get the government to reveal their existence. The video features Danny Sheehan an extraordinary social justice activist who together with his wife Sarah Nelson are two of the leaders of the New Paradigm Institute.