Shrimp — WikiCC

Do Pistol Shrimps Hold The Key To Nuclear Fusion?

Biomimicry of a deadly sea creature could soon provide us with near limitless clean energy.

Will Lockett
Published in
5 min readApr 30, 2022


In theory, nuclear fusion is the perfect energy source, simply put hydrogen in and get copious amounts of energy and helium out. There is no vast habitat loss like solar and no horrific carbon emissions like coal or gas. The only problem is that the machines capable of creating fusion are massive, expensive, and incredibly complex. This is why despite billions of dollars of funding and thousands of engineers working tirelessly for decades, we still don’t have a fusion reactor that can produce power. But, in an industrial estate in Oxford, a revolutionary new reactor has been created that solves all of these problems and could even deliver useable fusion energy by 2030. But these scientists didn’t come up with this incredible new tech all by themselves. They were inspired by the deadliest shrimp in the world. Welcome to First Light Fusion’s outstanding biomimicry fusion technology.

Before we dive into First Light’s technology, we first need to understand why we haven’t yet cracked fusion energy. You see, actually getting hydrogen to fuse into helium (and releasing a tonne of energy) is relatively easy. You just need to make conditions with high enough pressure and temperature so that…



Will Lockett

Independent journalist covering global politics, climate change and technology. Get articles early at