Does Drinking Red Wine Make You Live Longer?

A new, small-scale study suggests that moderate red wine consumption upregulates longevity-promoting genes

Gunnar De Winter


(Pixabay, ponce_photography)

Food, supplements, and a long life

As we seek to age healthily and possibly even extend our lifespan, we’re exploring many options: drugs (such as metformin or rapamycin), supplements (such as resveratrol), blood exchange and/or dilution, custom-made molecules, stem cells,…

No magic pill yet.

Are there other things we can do, though?

Fasting? Calorie restriction? Healthy food (which is a very nebulous term, so let’s go for ‘minimally processed’)?

No matter what any book or influencer tells you, or promises you via bespoke (probably expensive) concoctions or diets, things are less clear-cut than we would probably like them to be. Sure, smoking’s bad, and exercising’s good. Eating your fruits and veggies is a good idea too. But for all these things, the extent of their influence is quite variable among individuals. We’ve all heard the stories about the centenarians who smoke a cigar each day and have eggs and bacon for breakfast. Your body will respond differently to certain foods than someone else’s.

