Are they here? Does our Government know?

In 1947 after a UFO supposedly crashed near Roswell, the Truman top brass are said to have formed nothing less than a government within a government to manage the ET situation. One that would sustain itself from presidential administration to presidential administration, regardless of what political party was in power.

Felicity Harley


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In 1941 it is reported a UFO crashed near Cape Girardeau, Missouri and there were civilian witnesses.

After that, one crashed near Roswell New Mexico in1947, and more witnesses came forward.

All of these witnesseses have said our government has concrete proof of extra-terrestrial life. They have pieces of alien craft and in both cases where craft crashed, they retrieved bodies both dead and alive.

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Seven years later in 1954, according to a group of credible observers, at least two groups of ETs met with President Eisenhower.



Felicity Harley

writer. student of the human condition & psyche. grounded by family, garden and good wine.